Creating Selection Definitions for Mass Email
ERP Cloud
To create a new selection definition for use when sending mass email:
- Make sure you are in the appropriate company for this new selection definition.
- Click the Selection Definitions tab.
- Click New next to Recent Selection Definitions on the home page.
- Then follow one of the examples in this topic to complete your selection definition.
Reminder Example
To create a reminder, complete the following steps:
- In the Selection Definition section, enter a Selection Name and Description.
- In the Master section, select "Sales Invoice" as the Master Object.
- Do not click the Add Field button.
- Click the Add Filter button to add filter conditions.
- Select a field on which to base your filter condition, such as Payment Status.
- Select an operator and value or range as appropriate to complete your filter condition, such as = Unpaid.
- Add a second filter condition, such as Due Date, Between, 2009-09-01, 2009-09-30. Remember to use the format yyyy-mm-dd.
- In the Detail section, accept "Sales Invoice Installment Line Item" as the Detail Object.
- Click Save.
Customer Statement Example
To create a customer statement, complete the following steps:
- In the Selection Definition section, enter a Selection Name and Description.
- In the Master section, select "Transaction" as the Master Object.
- Do not click the Add Field or Add Filter buttons.
- In the Detail section, accept "Transaction Line Item" as the Detail Object.
- Do not click the Add Field button.
- Click the Add Filter button to add filter conditions.
- Select a field on which to base your filter condition, such as Account.
- If the field selected in the previous step is a lookup to another object, select a related field on which to base your filter condition, such as Account Type.
- Select an operator and value or range as appropriate to complete your filter condition, such as = Customer.
- Continue to add filter lines as appropriate. If you want to add a filter based on a transaction header field, select Transaction Number in step 6a.
- Click Save.
Vendor Remittance Example
To create a vendor remittance, complete the following steps:
- In the Selection Definition section, enter a Selection Name and Description.
- In the Master section, select "Payment Media Summary" as the Master Object.
- Do not click the Add Field button.
- Click the Add Filter button to add filter conditions.
- Select a field on which to base your filter condition, such as Payment Media Control.
- If the field selected in the previous step is a lookup to another object, select a related field on which to base your filter condition, such as Payment Method.
- Select an operator and value or range as appropriate to complete your filter condition, such as = Check.
- Continue to add filter lines as appropriate.
- In the Detail section, accept "Payment Media Detail" as the Detail Object.
- Do not add filter conditions to a remittance definition.
- Click Save.