Billing Central uses the Salesforce Opportunity object to create contracts when opportunities meet certain criteria. Billing Central adds several fields to the Salesforce Opportunity and Opportunity Product objects. This enables you to enter the information required to create a Billing Central contract from an opportunity. For more information about opportunities, search for "Opportunities" in the Salesforce Help.
Billing Central Plans
You can add a Billing Central plan to an opportunity if the products in that plan are in the same price book as the one selected for the opportunity. When you enter the name of the plan to add, the plan appears so that you can check that it's the correct one before you add it.
When you add a Billing Central plan to an opportunity, the values from several fields on the plan and plan line items are copied to the opportunity products that are created.
Object | Field | Opportunity Product Field |
Plan | Term | Billing Term |
Plan Name | Plan Name | |
Plan Line Item | Billing Type | Billing Type |
Product or Service | Product | |
Quantity | Quantity | |
Unit Price | Sales Price | |
Unit of Measure | Unit of Measure | |
Description | Line Description |
Creating Contracts from Opportunities
In the Opportunity to Contract Process you can ensure that different types of contracts are created when opportunities meet certain criteria. You can manage these manually on an individual contract basis, or your administrator may have configured your system to automatically create different contracts at different times.
Creating Contracts
When the BC Opportunity to Contract Integration feature is enabled in Feature Console, by default a draft billing contract is created automatically when you save changes to an existing opportunity that has:
- The Type "New Customer"
- The Stage "Closed Won"
- A valid Account Name
- A valid Contract Start Date
If the Billing Central Automation feature is also enabled and automatic contract activation is configured, the new contract is created in the "Active" status, provided that:
- The opportunity has products associated with it.
- All of the associated opportunity products have the Billing Term, Billing Type, and Contract Line First Bill Date fields populated.
See Creating a Contract from an Opportunity.
When you create a draft, renewal, upsell, or replacement contract from an opportunity, the values from several fields on the opportunity and opportunity products are copied to the contract. Here is a list of the default Salesforce and Billing Central fields that are mapped to the draft contract. Your administrator may have configured your system differently.
Key: * – Mandatory for creation of a draft contract.
Opportunity Field Name | Contract Field Name | |
Account Name | * | Account |
Contract End Date | End Date | |
Contract Start Date | * | Start Date |
Contract First Bill Date | First Bill Date | |
Currency | Currency | |
Opportunity Name | Contract Name |
Opportunity Product Field Name | Contract Line Item Field Name |
Billing Term | Billing Term |
Billing Type | Billing Type |
Contract Line End Date | End Date |
Contract Line First Bill Date | First Bill Date |
Contract Line Start Date | Start Date |
Currency | Currency |
Plan Name | Plan Name |
Product | Product or Service |
Quantity | Quantity |
Sales Price | Unit Price |
Unit of Measure | Unit of Measure |
Renewing Contracts
Similar to draft contracts, when the BC Opportunity to Contract Integration feature is enabled in Feature Console, by default a renewal contract is created automatically when you save changes to an opportunity where:
- The Opportunity has Type "Existing Customer - Renewal"
- The Original Opportunity field is populated
- The Original Opportunity has a related active or expired contract and that contract does not already have a renewal contract
- The Opportunity is moved to Stage "Closed Won"
Your administrator may have configured your system differently. See Renewing a Contract from an Opportunity.
Replacing Contracts
Similar to draft contracts, when the BC Opportunity to Contract Integration feature is enabled in Feature Console, you can automatically replace existing contracts with new ones, so providing an automatic sales workflow. By default, a replacement contract is created automatically from an opportunity when:
- The Opportunity has Type "Existing Customer - Replacement"
- The Original Opportunity has a related active contract
- The Opportunity is moved to Stage "Closed Won"
Your administrator may have configured your system differently. See Replacing a Contract from an Opportunity.
Upselling Contracts
When the BC Opportunity to Contract Integration feature is enabled in Feature Console, you can upsell an existing contract from an opportunity. By default, the existing contract is updated, and a copy is saved as a superseded contract, when you save changes where:
- The Opportunity has Type "Existing Customer - Upgrade"
- The Original Opportunity field is populated
- The Original Opportunity has a related active contract
- The Opportunity has at least one Product
- The Opportunity is moved to Stage "Closed Won"
Your administrator may have configured your system differently. See Upselling a Contract From an Opportunity.