Deferred Revenue Reporting Billings Dataset Output Fields

Each row of the Deferred Revenue Reporting Billings dataset represents a single billing event item for a record from the Project Reporting dataset that has a revenue recognition template. The dataset also contains records that do not have any billing events but have a revenue recognition template or are linked to a project that has a revenue recognition template. The following records are included:

  • Expenses
  • Milestones
  • Miscellaneous adjustments
  • Projects
  • Timecard splits

The following table describes the fields available in the Deferred Revenue Reporting Billings dataset, grouped by their type within Analytics.

Dataset Fields
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Measure Amount Billed (Document Currency) ValueAmountBilledDocument The amount billed for the record in this billing event item in the project's currency.
Amount Billed (Dual Currency) ValueAmountBilled The amount billed for the record in this billing event item in the corporate currency.
ValueProjectExchangeRate ValueProjectExchangeRate

The exchange rate from the corporate currency to the project currency.

This field is directly retrieved from the Project Reporting dataset.

Source Billed Amount ValueSourceBilled

The total amount billed for the project.

This is populated from the Project Billed Amount field in the Project Reporting dataset.

Source Billings ValueSourceBillings

The total ready-to-bill revenue for the project.

This is populated from the Project Billings field in the Project Reporting dataset.

Dimension Account ID AccountId The ID of the account related to the project.
Account Name AccountName The name of the account related to the project.
Billing Event ID BillingEventId The ID of the billing event related to the billing event item.
Billing Event Item ID BillingEventItemId The ID of the billing event item.
Billing Event Number BillingEvent The name of the billing event related to the billing event item.
Company ID CompanyId The ID of the Foundations company related to the project.
Company Name CompanyName The name of the Foundations company related to the project.
Description Description The description of the dataset row. Set to the name of the billing event item, followed by - and the summary of the billing event item.

The ID of the record that the dataset row relates to. This can be any of the following:

  • Expense
  • Milestone
  • Miscellaneous adjustment
  • Project
  • Timecard split
Object ID ObjectId

The ID of the record that the dataset row relates to. This can be any of the following:

  • Expense
  • Milestone
  • Miscellaneous adjustment
  • Project
  • Timecard split
Object Name ObjectName

The name of the record that the dataset row relates to. This can be any of the following:

  • Expense
  • Milestone
  • Miscellaneous adjustment
  • Project
  • Timecard split
Object Type SourceReportingType

The type of record that the dataset row relates to. The following options are available:

  • "Expenses"
  • "Milestones"
  • "Misc Adjustments"
  • "Projects"
  • "Timecards"
Source Child ID SourceChildId

The ID of the record that the billing event item relates to. This can be any of the following:

  • Expense
  • Milestone
  • Miscellaneous adjustment
  • Timecard split
Source Currency SourceCurrency The currency of the record that the dataset row relates to.
Source ID SourceId The ID of the related project.
Source Name SourceName The name of the related project.
Status BillingStatus

The current status of the billing. Determined as follows:

  • If the related billing event is invoiced, this is set to "Invoiced".
  • If the related billing event is released but not invoiced, this is set to "Released".
  • If the related billing event is not released, this is blank.
Date Billing Date BillingDate

The date on which the billing occurred. Determined depending on the Status field as follows:

  • When the Status is "Invoiced", this is set to the Bill Date of the business record that the billing event item was created for. That can be the expense, milestone, miscellaneous adjustment, or timecard split.
  • Otherwise, this is the set to the Date field of the related billing event.
End Date EndDate

The end date of the PSA business record.

This field is retrieved directly from the Project Reporting dataset.

Source Start Date SourceStartDate The start date of the project.
Start Date StartDate

The start date of the PSA business record.

This field is retrieved directly from the Project Reporting dataset.