PSA Performance Summary Dashboard

The PSA Performance Summary dashboard components display a summary of your key performance indicators (KPIs) as well as complementary graphs that enable you to visualize your business trends. You can navigate to the KPI specific dashboard to view further details by clicking the View Details button or the title for any of the components.

This dashboard is created as part of the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app.

Note: Depending on your optional data selections when creating your active PS Cloud Analytics Setup record, the PSA Performance Summary dashboard displays data from the Backlog and or Revenue Forecast datasets. This is reflected in the charts displayed in the dashboard. For more information, see Creating an App from the PS Cloud Core Analytics Template.

PSA Performance Summary Dashboard Guide

PSA Performance Summary dashboard schematic highlighting the key elements of the dashboard.

S = Standard Component
O = Optional Component

PSA Performance Summary Dashboard Elements

Element Number





Referenced Calculation

Source Dataset

1. View By Picker for Bill Rate Line Chart S Defines the data displayed in the Bill Rate line chart. Daily Displays daily bill rate. Not applicable
Hourly Displays hourly bill rate.
2. Bill Rate KPI Actual bill rate for the value selected in the view by picker (1). Actual/Day = sum(Actual Bill Rate Billings Value) / sum(Actual Bill Rate Total Days) None Billings Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields
Actual/Hour = sum(Actual Bill Rate Billings Value) / sum(Actual Bill Rate Total Hours) None
3. Bill Rate Line Chart Displays actual vs scheduled bill rate for the value selected in the view by picker (1). Daily Actual = sum(Actual Bill Rate Billings Value) / sum(Actual Bill Rate Total Days) None
Daily Scheduled = sum(Scheduled Bill Rate Billings Value) / sum(Scheduled Bill Rate Total Days) None
Hourly Actual = sum(Actual Bill Rate Billings Value) / sum(Actual Bill Rate Total Hours) None
Hourly Scheduled = sum(Scheduled Bill Rate Billings Value) / sum(Scheduled Bill Rate Total Hours) None
4. View Details S Click to view PSA Billings Dashboard. Not applicable Not applicable
5. Billings KPIs Scheduled vs actual billing comparison. Scheduled = Billings Value filtered by Subtype = Scheduled None
Actual = Billings Value filtered by Subtype = Actual None
6. Billings Bar Chart Displays a comparison of actual vs scheduled billings for the specified time periods. Scheduled = Billings Value filtered by Subtype = Scheduled, grouped by time period. None
Actual = Billings Value filtered by Subtype = Actual, grouped by time period. None
7. View Details Click to view PSA Billings Dashboard. Not applicable Not applicable
8. Remaining Capacity KPI S Displays remaining capacity as a percentage. Remaining Capacity = 1 - (sum(Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Credited Assignment Hours) + sum(Non Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Time Excluded Assignment Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours) + sum(Held Resource Request Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours)) / sum(Calendar Hours) None Utilization Results Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields
9. Remaining Capacity Bar Chart Displays percentage of remaining capacity for the specified time periods. Remaining Capacity = 1 - (sum(Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Credited Assignment Hours) + sum(Non Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Time Excluded Assignment Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours) + sum(Held Resource Request Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours)) / sum(Calendar Hours), grouped by time period. None
10. View Details Click to view PSA Capacity Dashboard. Not applicable Not applicable
11. Utilization Rate KPIs S Scheduled vs Actual utilization comparison. Scheduled (%) = sum(Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Credited Assignment Hours) / (sum(Calendar Hours - sumTime Excluded Assignment Hours)) None
Actual (%) = (sum(Billable Timecard Hours) + sum(Credited Timecard Hours)) / (sum(Calendar Hours) - sum(Time Excluded Timecard Hours)) None
12. Total Utilization Bar Chart Displays a comparison of actual vs scheduled utilization percentages for the specified time periods. Scheduled (%) = (sum(Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Credited Assignment Hours)) / (sum(Calendar Hours) - sum(Time Excluded Assignment Hours)) None
Actual (%) = (sum(Billable Timecard Hours) + sum(Credited Timecard Hours)) / (sum(Calendar Hours) - sum(Time Excluded Timecard Hours)) None
13. View Details Click to view PSA Utilization Dashboard. Not applicable Not applicable
14. Revenue KPIs O Total, actuals, and forecast revenue values. Total Revenue = Actuals + Forecast None Revenue Forecast Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields
Actuals = Actual Revenue None
Forecast = Forecast Revenue None
15. Revenue Bar Chart Displays a comparison of actual, scheduled, and unscheduled revenue by month. Actuals = Actual Revenue None
Scheduled = sum(Scheduled Revenue) including adjustments None
Unscheduled = sum(Unscheduled Revenue) including adjustments None
16. View Details Click to view PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard. Not applicable Not applicable

For more information about dashboards in PS Cloud Advanced Analytics, see Using PS Cloud Advanced Analytics.

See the Salesforce Help for general information about using dashboards in Analytics.