Measure Mapping Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Measure Mapping object.

Key: * – Mandatory field, R – Read-only

Measure Mapping Fields
Field   Description
Analytics Measure * The label of the measure in the Analytics dataset that maps to the Extended Planning and Analysis measure.
Analytics Measure Name * The API name of the measure in the Analytics dataset that maps to the Extended Planning and Analysis measure.
Data Source * The data source that the measure mapping belongs to.
Measure * The Extended Planning and Analysis measure that maps to the Analytics measure.
Measure Mapping Name R The auto-generated name of the measure mapping.
Measure Type *

The aggregation method applied to measure values. This is used when retrieving the measure values from the dataset, if multiple values match the specified dimensions.

For example, the dataset might contain multiple rows that have the Home Value measure defined for the 1100 - Accounts Receivable GLA in period 001 of year 2024. The method determines how the values are aggregated.

The following options are available:

  • "COUNT" - returns the number of measure values that match the specified dimensions.
  • "SUM" - returns the total of the measure values that match the specified dimensions. This is the default option.
  • "AVERAGE" - returns the average of the measure values that match the specified dimensions.
  • "MAXIMUM" - returns the highest value among the measure values that match the specified dimensions.
  • "MINIMUM" - returns the lowest value among the measure values that match the specified dimensions.
  • "UNIQUE" - returns the number of unique measure values that match the specified dimensions.