New Features and Enhancements in Extended Planning and Analysis October 2024

ERP Cloud

The following new features have been introduced in the October 2024 release of Extended Planning and Analysis.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Extended Planning and Analysis October 2024. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Filter Logic Enhancements

We have enhanced the filter logic when creating a plan from a data source or from a template. Before, the only available option was All Conditions are Met (AND). From this release, you also have the option to select Any Condition is Met (OR). If the latter is selected, your plan will return data that matches at least one of the values selected in the filter configuration.

For more information, see Data Source Filter Reference.

Record Page Template Filter

When embedding the xP&A Embedded Plan component in a Lightning page, if you select a plan template, you can now enter a JSON structure to map template filters to record fields. This filters the data source associated with the template.

For more information, see Embedding the xP&A Embedded Plan Component and xP&A Embedded Plan Lightning Component Properties.

Tree View Plans

You can now create plans that display as a tree, instead of a grid. The tree view can be useful for plans that contain rows with a clear hierarchy. Rows that contain the same row-level dimensions are grouped together. By default, each group row calculates the sum of all the rows that belong to that group. However, you can change the formula or enter numeric values, if required. For more information, see Plan Table Views and Plan Table Overview.

When you export a tree view plan to an XLSX file, the tree is transformed to a grid. The group rows are indicated by horizontally merged dimension values. When you import the XLSX back to the plan, these rows are ignored. For more information, see Importing and Exporting Plans.

After you send the plan to Analytics, you can use the Subtotal dimension to determine whether the cell value belongs to a group row. In addition, when creating a new plan from the dataset, the subtotal values are ignored. For more information, see Datasets Created from Plans and Fields on Datasets Created from Plans.