Populating the Company Name Picklist Values

Each Accounting document can only be created for a single Accounting company. The connector adds the Accounting Company lookup field to all the relevant Order and Inventory Management objects. This is used to identify the company that the Accounting document is created for. These lookups are populated from related records, such as sales orders, purchase orders, accounts, and so on. By default, the Accounting Company field is populated from a company that you set as the default on the OIM – FinancialForce Connector Admin page. However, your users might want to select a different company. To do this, they would require an Accounting license. To avoid this limitation, the connector also adds the Company Name picklist field to the following objects:

  • Account
  • Purchase Order
  • Sales Order
  • Service Contract

If a value is selected in the Company Name picklist, the connector automatically populates the relevant Accounting Company lookup fields. For example, if a user selects "Company A" in the Company Name field for a purchase order, the Accounting Company field is automatically set to Company A, provided that an Accounting company with that name exists. This happens regardless of whether the user has an Accounting license or access to the Accounting Company field and object.

Due to a limitation from Salesforce, the Company Name lookups are created with "N/A" as the single picklist value. As part of setting up the connector, you must update the picklist values for the Company Name field on each object, so that it contains the names of the Accounting companies defined in your org. If a new Accounting company is created, you must manually add a new picklist value for it. For more information about picklists, see the Salesforce Help.