Setting up the Vendor Account – Supplier Synchronization

Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector enables you to keep your vendor accounts and suppliers in sync. The connector provides several options:

  • One-way sync from vendor accounts to suppliers.
  • One-way sync from suppliers to vendor accounts.
  • Two-way sync between vendor accounts and suppliers.

This is determined by the Sync Accounts to Suppliers and Sync Suppliers to Accounts checkboxes as follows:

  • If Sync Accounts to Suppliers is selected, when a vendor account is created or updated, a matching supplier is automatically created or updated.
  • If Sync Suppliers to Accounts is selected, when a supplier site is created or updated, a matching vendor account is automatically created or updated.
  • If both checkboxes are selected, the synchronization is bidirectional.
  • If neither of the checkboxes is selected, the synchronization is disabled.

We strongly recommend that you do not leave the synchronization disabled. However, if you choose to do so, you must ensure that the Account lookup is correctly populated for every supplier site record.

You can configure the checkbox fields on the OIM – FinancialForce Connector Admin page. For more information about, see OIM – FinancialForce Connector Admin Page.

Checking for Duplicate Suppliers

The connector can prevent users from creating a vendor account that would result in a duplicated supplier site. This might be useful if you enable the two-way sync and different users in your org regularly create accounts and suppliers. In this case, you might want to prevent duplicates from being created by mistake.

You can enable this feature on the OIM – FinancialForce Connector Admin page, by selecting one of the following options in the Check for Duplicate Suppliers field:

  • "Using the Supplier Name"
  • "Custom Criteria"

If you select "Custom Criteria", you must select a field on the Supplier Site object that determines whether two suppliers are duplicates. You can only select a field that is used as a target in the Account to Supplier Site mappings.