OIM – FinancialForce Connector Admin Page

The OIM – FinancialForce Connector Admin page enables you to configure settings for the connector, manage field mappings for each flow, and schedule background jobs. This page contains the OIM – FinancialForce Administration Lightning component.

On this page, you can:

  • Select a default Accounting company.
  • Enable email and Salesforce notifications for background processes.
  • Configure the settings for each flow.
  • Schedule the background executions of each flow. For more information, see Managing Scheduled Jobs.
  • Define the field-level mappings for each flow. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

To view this page and define the settings, you must have:

  • An Accounting license.
  • Read access for the Accounting Company object.
  • Access to the SCMFFA.SCMAccountingConnectorController Apex class.

To define the settings:

  1. Open the OIM – FinancialForce Connector Admin tab.
  2. In the OIM – FinancialForce Connector Settings section, populate the relevant fields. For more information about the available fields, see OIM – FinancialForce Administration Fields.
  3. Click Save.