Setting up Work Events

To use time-specific work events, you must set up the following component and objects:

  • Work Event Calendar: The PSA Work Event Calendar component.
  • Work Event: An object that contains the details of the work event added to the work event calendar.
  • Work Event Invite: An object that contains the details of the contacts invited to the work event.

For users to be able to create and manage work events in PSA:

  1. Add the PSA Work Event Calendar component to the Project record page from the Custom components list in the Lightning App Builder. Activate the page as the org default.

  2. Ensure that PSA and external calendars are set up. See the following:
  3. Assign the FF Group - PSA - Project Manager permission set group to relevant users. This group contains the PSA - Manage Work Events permission set, which gives users the following object permissions.
    Object Permissions in PSA - Manage Work Events



    Work Event





    View All

    Work Event Invite





    View All

For more information on permission set groups and permission sets, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation and click Permissions.

Note: You must set up calendar integration to be able to use the Work Event Calendar component.