Billing Forecast Calculation Fields

The billing forecast calculation record includes the following fields.

Field     Description
Backlog Calculation     Lookup to the related backlog calculation.
Batch Id     Batch ID for the billing forecast calculation process.
Batch Process     Batch process used by this billing forecast calculation.
Billing Forecast Calculation Name     Name of the billing forecast calculation.

We recommend that you use 40 characters or fewer. If you use more, the name of the associated backlog calculation and the name of any scheduled billing forecast calculation will be truncated so as to keep the total number of characters to 80 or fewer.

Billing Forecast Setup     Lookup to the billing forecast setup values used in this billing forecast calculation.

We recommend that you use the Billing Forecast Setup tab to update your billing forecast setup values and not the Billing Forecast Setup Detail page.

Committed     Indicates this billing forecast has been committed and overrides can no longer be applied.
Current     Indicates this billing forecast calculation is the most recent for the corresponding RPG and time period. This is a system controlled field.
Region     Region, practice, or group for this billing forecast calculation.
Status     Billing forecast calculation status.
Time Period     Time period for this billing forecast calculation.
Total Number of Logs     Total number of logs created as a result of errors occurring during the billing forecast calculation process.