Resource Skills Flow PSA Input Fields

The input fields are the foundation of every dataset in PS Cloud Analytics. These fields are imported from your org environment by the dataflow when you create the Analytics app, the data is then processed to populate your apps' datasets.

Base Objects

This flow uses Skill / Certification, Skill / Certification Rating, Skill Set Skill, and Skill Set as the base objects to extract PSA field information. It also uses these to look up to other PSA objects to complement the data necessary to generate the Resource Skills dataset.

Before creating this dataset, you must assign read access permissions to the Integration User for the following objects in your PSA data environment:

  • Skill / Certification Rating
  • Contact

For more information, see PS Cloud Core Analytics Permission Sets.

Skill Or Certification

The main fields retrieved from the Skill Or Certification object in PSA are as follows.

Fields Retrieved from the Skill Or Certification Object

Field Label

Field API Name


ID Id These fields are imported directly from your PSA environment. For more information, see Skills Management Overview.
Name Name
Certification Source pse__Certification_Source__c
Description pse__Description__c
Skill Or Certification pse__Skill_Or_Certification__c
Type pse__Type__c

Skill Or Certification Rating

The main fields retrieved from the Skill Or Certification Rating object in PSA are as follows.

Fields Retrieved from the Skill Or Certification Rating Object

Field Label

Field API Name


Rating Id Name These fields are imported directly from your PSA environment. For more information, see Skill or Certification Rating Fields.
Approval Status pse__Approval_Status__c
Aspiration pse__Aspiration__c
Certified pse__Certified__c
Date Achieved pse__Date_Achieved__c
Evaluation Date pse__Evaluation_Date__c
Certification Expiration Date pse__Expiration_Date__c
Numerical Rating pse__Numerical_Rating__c
Rating pse__Rating__c
Years of Experience pse__Years_Experience__c
Skill / Certification pse__Skill_Certification__c
Resource pse__Resource__c We use this field to look up the corresponding PSA object for the following fields Resource (Contact).

Skill Set

The main fields retrieved from the Skill Set object in PSA are as follows.

Fields Retrieved from the Skill Set Object

Field Label

Field API Name


Record ID Id These fields are imported directly from your PSA environment. For more information, see
Name Name

Skill Set Skill

The main fields retrieved from the Skill Set Skill object in PSA are as follows.

Fields Retrieved from the Skill Set Skill Object

Field Label

Field API Name


Record ID Id These fields are imported directly from your PSA environment. For more information, see
Name Name
Skill / Certification pse__Skill_Certification__c
Skill Set pse__Skill_Set__c

Augmented Fields

Augmented fields complement the data imported from the base objects, giving you a better view of your data.

Note: These fields are imported directly from your PSA environment. For more information about these fields, see the PSA field reference guide for their corresponding PSA object.

Key: → — Lookup path between objects

Augmented Fields


Lookup Path

Field Label

API Name

Resource (Contact)   Name Name