Work Opportunities Hub Settings

Professional Services Cloud

This custom setting contains fields that enable resources to express interest in upcoming work opportunities.


Work Opportunities Hub Custom Setting Fields
Field Description Default
Candidates Can Self-Nominate for Work Enables candidates to express interest in resource requests that have the Allow Candidates to Self-Nominate checkbox selected. Unchecked
Candidate Limit Allows up to this amount of candidates to express interest in a single resource request. The default is up to five candidates being supported if no value or 0 is selected. 5
Filter by Resource Group Enables filtering by a resource's group when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Filter by Resource Practice Enables filtering by a resource's practice when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Filter by Resource Region Enables filtering by a resource's region when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Filter by Resource Role Enables filtering by a resource's role when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Filter by Resource Skill Request Enables filtering of resources by resource skill requests when viewing resource requests that are enabled for self-nomination. True
Retain Candidate Record If checked, the resource record is retained for candidates who have clicked Not Interested on a resource request they were previously interested in. Unchecked