Setting up the Work Opportunities Hub

Professional Services Cloud

To set up the Work Opportunities Hub:

  1. Ensure that the following fields are on the Resource Request page layout:
    • Allow Candidates to Self-Nominate
    • Information for Prospective Candidates
    • Self-Nomination Deadline
  2. Add the PSA Resource Self-Nomination Lightning component to a page to enable resources to express interest in upcoming work. For more information, see Adding the Component to a Page.
  3. Enable the Work Opportunities Hub feature. For more information, see Enabling the Feature.
  4. On the Candidate object, add the Interest Removed field to the Candidate Layout page layout.
  5. Using the Candidate Limit field in the Work Opportunities Hub Settings custom setting, specify the maximum number of resources who can express interest in the same resource request. The default setting is five. For more information, see Work Opportunities Hub Settings.
  6. Configure the filters that apply to the resource requests displayed in the PSA Resource Self-Nomination Lightning component. These filters enable you to tailor the resource requests displayed to match the resource skill requests on the resource request, if present, and the resource's region, practice, group, and role. For more information, see Configuring Resource Request Filters.
  7. [Optional] To understand why a candidate has removed their interest from a resource request, you can choose to retain their candidate record. For more information, see Retaining Candidate Records
  8. Grant the required permissions to resources. For more information, see Granting Permissions.

For more information about the Work Opportunities Hub, see:

Adding the Component to a Page

Using Lightning App Builder, you can add the PSA Resource Self-Nomination Lightning component to the following types of page:

  • Experience Cloud site
  • Workspaces
  • Lightning home pages
  • Lightning app pages
  • Salesforce My Profile page (displayed when a user clicks their photo)

For more information, see PSA Workspaces Overview and PSA Lightning Components.

Enabling the Feature

The feature is disabled by default. To enable the Work Opportunities Hub feature:

  1. From Setup, click Custom Code | Custom Settings and open the Work Opportunities Hub custom setting.
  2. Edit the Candidates Can Self-Nominate for Work field and change the default setting to Checked.
  3. Click Save.

For more information on the Work Opportunities Hub custom settings, see Work Opportunities Hub Settings.

Configuring Resource Request Filters

The Work Opportunities Hub custom settings enable you to configure the filters that are applied to the list of resource requests displayed in the PSA Resource Self-Nomination Lightning component. This means you can, if required, prevent resources from viewing resource requests that do not match the resource's region, practice, group, or role.


Sub-regions, sub-practices, and sub-groups are supported. If your organization uses any or all of these, an administrator must select the relevant filter settings:

  • Filter by Resource Region
  • Filter by Resource Practice
  • Filter by Resource Group

To configure the filter settings:

  1. From Setup, click Custom Code | Custom Settings and open the Work Opportunities Hub custom setting.
  2. Select or deselect the relevant filter settings. The settings are selected by default.
  3. Click Save.

If you deselect any of the filter settings, a corresponding setting becomes available in the Filter By picklist on the PSA Resource Self-Nomination Lightning component. This means the resource can use the filter when viewing the list of resource requests available for self-nomination, if required.

For more information on the Work Opportunities Hub custom settings, see Work Opportunities Hub Settings.

Retaining Candidate Records

To enable the retention of a candidate's record if the candidate is not interested in a resource request:

  1. From Setup, click Custom Code | Custom Settings and open the Work Opportunities Hub custom setting.
  2. Edit the Retain Candidate Record field and change the default setting to Checked.
  3. Click Save.

Granting Permissions

You must grant the following permissions to resource managers and resources so that they can use the Work Opportunities Hub feature:

  • For resource managers, the PSA - Manage Self-Nominations on Work Opportunities permission set.
  • For resources:
    • PSA - Self-Nominate for Work Opportunities permission set.
    • Read permission on the Resource Skill Request and Skill or Certification Ratings objects.