Expiring Services Credits

When a services credits customer purchase record with available services credits reaches its expiry date, you can do either of the following:

  • Expire the available services credits by expiring the record.
  • Extend the expiry date if the customer has negotiated an extension with you.

Ensure that you are assigned the PSA - Manage Services Credits Customer Purchases permission set to expire services credits.

To expire a services credits customer purchase record with available services credits:

  1. On the services credits customer purchase record, click Expire Services Credits. A confirmation window opens.
  2. Click Expire. The services credits are expired.

The process generates related services credits consumption and allocation records of type "Expiry". For more information, see Services Credits Overview.


Once the services credits are expired:

  • The Services Credits Available field value is reduced to 0.
  • The start and expiry date for the services credits customer purchase record are no longer editable.

If an allocation adjustment process returns services credits to a services credits customer purchaserecord with an expiry date in the past, you must expire the record again if you want to make the returned services credits unavailable. If you do not expire the returned services credits, and the Allocate Credits with Past Expiry Date field in the Services Credits Settings custom setting is selected, they can be consumed by a future allocation process.