Smart Rescheduling Overview

Professional Services CloudNew

Smart Rescheduling provides project managers with an overview of how they can reschedule resource's assignments to reflect the correct level of effort required to complete them successfully. It uses the actual hours that have been previously recorded on the project to calculate if the project's resources have used more or fewer hours than scheduled as a percentage of their total available hours. It then notifies you if any resource's future capacity percentage doesn't align with their historical percentage. It then provides a suggested adjustment to the future hours of those resources to match your current capacity run rate. You can view the suggested adjustments to your resource's hours on the project overall, or to their individual project assignments, and provisionally apply them to the Record Work Planner.


If Smart Rescheduling is not available in your Record Work Planner, contact your administrator.

Predicted Hours Variance

When you view the Record Work Planner on a project record, Smart Rescheduling automatically notifies you of the predicted hours variance, expressed as a percentage, for the remaining duration of the project, from the start of the following week. The predicted variance percentage is calculated by comparing the actual hours recorded against all active assignments as a percentage of calendar hours against the future scheduled hours of all active assignments as a percentage of calendar hours. The calculation is provided by PS Cloud Analytics.

To get a predicted variance calculation, the project must have:

  • At least one week's history of time cards
  • Future scheduled hours after the start of the following week
  • A bill rate that is not set to daily

To view a breakdown of the predicted variance and the suggested adjustments to future hours at resource and assignment level, and click View Suggested Adjustments.

Viewing Suggested Adjustments

The Suggested Adjustments window displays a summary of how the suggested adjustments to assignment hours impact the project's hours, revenue, and costs. It also provides a breakdown of the suggested adjustments to the future hours of all resources in the Rescheduling to Match Capacity Run Rate grid. If a resource has more than one assignment on the project, you can also drill down to view a breakdown of the suggested adjustments to the future hours for each assignment. The values displayed in the summary cards are determined by the rows selected in the Rescheduling to Match Capacity Run Rate grid.

For more information on the information displayed in the Suggested Adjustments window, see Suggested Adjustments Window Fields.

Predicted Variance

The Predicted Variance column of the Rescheduling to Match Capacity Run Rate grid displays the difference between the actual capacity run rate percentage and the future scheduled capacity run rate percentage for each assignment. Actual capacity run rate is calculated as the number of actual hours that have been recorded against the assignment out of the total number of past calendar hours for the resource for the same time period, expressed as a percentage. Future scheduled capacity run rate is calculated as the number of future scheduled hours for the assignment out of the total number of future calendar hours for the resource for the same time period, from the start of the following week, expressed as a percentage.


An assignment has 400 actual hours recorded against it out of a total of 1200 calendar hours available for the resource for the same time period. This represents an actual capacity run rate of 33%. The same assignment has 210 future scheduled hours out of a total of 900 calendar hours available for the resource for the same time period. This represents a future scheduled capacity run rate of 23%. Therefore, the predicted variance for this assignment is 33% - 23% = +10%.

Suggested Adjustment

The Suggested Adjustment column of the Rescheduling to Match Capacity Run Rate grid displays the suggested hours adjustment for the remaining duration of each assignment, from the start of the following week. This is calculated by multiplying the predicted variance % by the filtered calendar hours for the rest of the assignment.


An assignment has 210 future scheduled hours out of a total of 900 calendar hours available for the resource for the same time period. The predicted variance for this assignment is 10%, therefore the suggested adjustment value is 10% * 900 = 90 hours.

Applying Suggested Adjustments

You can apply suggested adjustments to the Record Work Planner to update the hours your resources are scheduled to work. For more information, see Smart Rescheduling.