Setting Up Smart Rescheduling

Smart Rescheduling provides project managers with an overview of how they can reschedule resource's assignments to reflect the correct level of effort required to complete them successfully. It uses the actual hours that have been previously recorded on the project to calculate if the project's resources have used more or fewer hours than scheduled as a percentage of their total available hours. It then notifies you if any resource's future capacity percentage doesn't align with their historical percentage. It then provides a suggested adjustment to the future hours of those resources to match your current capacity run rate. You can view the suggested adjustments to your resource's hours on the project overall, or to their individual project assignments, and provisionally apply them to the Record Work Planner.

The table below describes the steps for setting up Smart Rescheduling in your Record Work Planner.

Smart Rescheduling Setup Steps
Step Task Related Help Topic

Set up your PS Cloud Core Analytics app, ensuring you have the Project Reporting dataset and a PS Cloud Core Analytics App PSA Analytics Dataflow scheduled to run at regular intervals. Also, ensure your PS Cloud Core Analytics app is shared with all the relevant users.

For more information on scheduling your dataflows, see Using PS Cloud Core Analytics.

Setting up PS Cloud Core Analytics Apps

Assign one of the following PS Cloud Advanced Analytics permission sets to users that you want to use Smart Rescheduling:

  • CRM Analytics Platform Admin
  • CRM Analytics Platform User
  • CRM Analytics Plus User
  • CRM Analytics Plus Admin
3. Assign the PSA - Decision Intelligence permission set to the relevant users. Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation
4. From the Project record page, open the Lightning App Builder, and select the Smart Rescheduling property in Record Work Planner. Work Planner Lightning Component Properties