Timecard Settings

Professional Services Cloud

Administrators can decide how to control timecard entry pages using custom or configuration settings depending on the time entry screen. See Setting up Timecards.

Timecard Entry Page Settings

Use these custom settings to manage the behavior of the Timecard Entry (Enhanced) and Time Entry pages.

Key: X = Not applicable to the Time Entry page.

Setting Key Description
Timecard Entry UI Global   Contains several values for global Timecard UI settings. This custom setting has fields for controlling organization-wide behavior for the Timecard Entry pages. These settings apply to all users in the org.
Timecard Entry UI Personal   Contains several values for personal Timecard UI settings. This custom setting has fields for controlling user-specific behavior for the Enhanced Timecard Entry and Time Entry pages.

Timecard Entry UI Global Settings

Use these global UI settings to manage the Timecard user interface when the Timecard Entry UI Switch is selected.

Z = Time Entry only.
X = Not applicable to the Time Entry page.
T = Not applicable to time against tasks.
TEC = Supported by the Time Entry component.

Timecard Entry Global UI Custom Setting Fields




Allow timecard with negative hours   TEC Set the value to true if you want users to save or submit timecards with negative hours, otherwise set the value to false. Users can only enter negative hour amounts on the Enhanced timecard and Time Entry user interface. False
Allow Time Entry for Summary Task     When selected, time entry for summary tasks is enabled. False
Assignment Lookup Fieldset Name     Defines the name of a field set containing assignment fields to display as columns in the Project/Assignment lookup on the Timecard Entry page. If a value is not set, only the Assignment Name column header is displayed. This field references a field set against the Assignment object. Null
Assignments load date restriction    TEC Determines whether Assignment start and end date restrictions apply while loading the Assignments. If true, Assignments are restricted to those with start and end dates overlapping with the time period of this Timecard. True
Assignments Status Values   TEC A CSV list of assignment status values used to restrict which assignments can have timecards logged. Tentative,Scheduled 
Check For Previous Week Timecards     Indicates whether PSA checks timecards for previous weeks to see whether they have been filled in for the selected resource. The check occurs when the Enhanced or Time Entry timecard user interface loads and the defaultWeekOffset configuration setting is not zero. If there is no timecard for the previous week a popup window appears, which prompts the user to enter a timecard for that week. False
Day hour auto revert ceiling     Maximum number of hours you can enter for a single day on a timecard line. 24
Day hour auto revert floor     Minimum number of hours you can enter for a single day on a timecard line. -24
Disable Hours in Timecard Copy     Selecting this option hides the hours and task hours options when copying. It also ensures the hours of any copied timecards and task times default to zero.  
Enable Timecard Async Submit     If selected, the process of timecard submission for approval runs asynchronously. Deselected
Enforce Submit All Timecards     Controls the submission of timecards for approval on the Time Entry page. If false, users must select the timecards to be submitted. If true, all timecards are submitted, whether selected or deselected. False
Errors     Displays the error details when an async job fails.  
Project Lookup Fieldset Name     Defines the name of a field set containing project fields to display as columns in the Global Projects section of the Project/Assignment lookup on the Timecard Entry page. If a value is not set, only the Project Name column header is displayed. This field references a field set against the Project object. Null
Projects load date restriction   TEC Determines whether Project start and end date restrictions apply while loading the Assignments. If true, restricts Projects to those with start and end dates overlapping with the time periodClosed of this Timecard. True
Redirect Notification To Time Entry     If selected, clicking a notification from the bell icon redirects you to the Project Time Entry LWC Lightning UI page when the Enable Timecard Async Submit custom setting is selected. By default, the redirection is to the Project Time Entry Sencha page. Deselected
Resource access   TEC Determines which category of Resources is available for selection from the Resource drop-down box: “all” (all Resources for which this user has permission to enter time), “Resource” (only the Resource associated with the current user's Salesforce user ID in the Contact record), or “null” (same as “Resource”). all
Resource Lookup Field Set Name Z   Defines the name of a field set containing resource fields to display as columns in the Resource lookup on the Time Entry page. This field references a field set against the Contact object. Null
Save Batch Size X TEC The number of timecard records, not including related records, saved in a single request. 10
Save timecard with zero hours   TEC Indicates whether users can save timecards with zero hours. False
Schedule editable     Enables or prohibits the editing of resource schedules, while on the timecard page. It has three possible values: all (are editable), internal (only internal resource's schedules are editable), and none (none are editable). All
Time Entry Submit Batch Size   The number of timecard records, not including related records, submitted in a single request. Set to a smaller number to reduce the chance of hitting Salesforce governor limits. .  
Submit timecard with zero hours   TEC Set the value to true if you want users to be able to submit timecards with zero hours, otherwise set the value to false. False
TC Sorted By Order     By default, timecard rows are ordered by the date on which they were created and their name. You can use this option to sort timecard lines by certain fields. Contains a list of fields to order timecards by. You can enter a comma-separated list of field names. For instance, CreatedDate, Project__r.Name. Null
Save Batch Size     The number of timecard records, not including related records, saved in a single request. 15
Timecard edit status values   TEC Timecard edit status values: CSV List of status values for which the Timecard entry rows can be edited. Saved
Timecard save button action   TEC Used to determine what status Timecards will be set to when clicking the Save button. Saved
Timecard submit button action   TEC Used to determine what status Timecards will be set to when clicking the Submit button. Submitted
Use Local Storage For Column Preferences    

Indicates whether column preferences in the Time Entry page lookups are saved locally or on a server.

The field Save Column Preferences in the Timecard Entry UI Personal setting must also be set to true.

Use Project Location Records   TEC Indicates whether the Location drop-down lists on a timecard are bound to the Project Location object. False
Use Project Methodology Records     Indicates whether the Methodology drop-down lists on a timecard are bound to the Project Methodology object. False
Use Project Phase Records     Indicates whether the Phase drop-down lists on a timecard are bound to the Project Phase object. False
Week Start Day   TEC Default week start day value used when a resource does not have a work calendar, or has a work calendar without a week start day. The resource's work calendar week start day is always respected. Sunday

Timecard Entry UI Personal Settings

Use these settings to control user-specific behavior for the Timecard Entry pages. Each user experiences the results of these settings separately.

O = This setting is now obsolete.
Z = Time Entry only.
X = Not applicable to the Time Entry page.
T = Not applicable to time against tasks.
TEC = Supported by Time Entry component.

Timecard Entry Personal UI Custom Setting Fields
Field Key




Allow Zero Entry Z TEC

If selected, users can save task time records with zero hours.

Assignment project editable after save     Indicates that the assignment and project are editable in a timecard when the timecard has a status of Saved. False
Assignment tooltip fields     Fields to use as tooltips for Assignments, displayed when hovering over the “i” icon on the Timecard line, in addition to the Project tooltip fields. You must enter a comma separated list unless you are using the configuration option in the Timecard configuration groupClosed. Each field that you include in the list must be in the same case as the field name and include a namespace where applicable. Percent_Allocated__c, Description__c,CreatedDate
Combine Similar Timecards     Indicates that timecards with exactly the same combination of week, project, assignment, resource, billable, project, methodology, location, and travel are combined on the Timecard Entry page. When this occurs, hours and notes fields are combined and other day-based fields are set to the values of the first timecard row included in a combined timecard line. False
Copy Additional Fields From Previous Week   TEC Indicates whether the additional fields are copied from the previous week's Timecard. True
Copy ETC From Previous Week        Indicates whether ETC fields are copied from the previous week's Timecard. True
Copy Hours From Previous Week    TEC Indicates whether Hours fields are to be copied from the previous week's Timecard lines. True
Copy Locations From Previous Week   TEC Indicates whether Location fields are to be copied from the previous week's Timecard lines. True
Copy Methodology From Previous Week     Indicates whether Methodology fields are to be copied from the previous week's Timecard lines. True
Copy Milestone From Previous Week   TEC Indicates whether Milestone fields are to be copied from the previous week's Timecard lines. True
Copy Notes From Previous Week   TEC Indicates whether Notes fields are to be copied from the previous week's Timecard lines. False
Copy Phase From Previous Week     Indicates whether Phase fields are to be copied from the previous week's Timecard lines. True
Copy Schedule Assignment Daily Notes     Indicates whether PSA copies daily notes from the daily notes child records on an assignment when you click Copy from Schedule on a timecard. False
Copy Tasks From Previous Week   TEC

If true, project task information is copied from the previous week's timecard lines.

This setting is also based on the status of the Tasks checkbox on the Copy From Previous Week dialog, after the user clicks Copy Selected Fields. If the checkbox is selected, this setting is changed to true.

Copy Task Hours From Previous Week   TEC

If true, project task hours are copied from the previous week's timecard lines.

This setting is also based on the status of the Task Hours checkbox on the Copy From Previous Week dialog, after the user clicks Copy Selected Fields. If the checkbox is selected, this setting is changed to True.

copy travel from previous week      Indicates whether Travel fields are to be copied from the previous week's Timecard lines. True
Default billable     If true, the Billable drop down field will be shown as disabled (non-editable by user). True
Default Single Resource Search Result     When the resource search lookup on the Enhanced or Time Entry timecard user interface returns only one result, indicates whether the lookup automatically closes and the returned resource is selected. False
Default Week Offset     Indicates the number of weeks to change the default timecard week loaded in the timecard by. For instance, if the value is –1 the previous week is loaded; if the value is 1, the next week is loaded. False
Empty lines to append on add lines     The maximum number of new Timecard lines that you can add in one go by clicking the Add Lines button. 3
Empty Timecard lines to append by def     Number of Timecard lines that will be displayed when initially entering the UI, after deleting Timecard rows, or when the UI is refreshed. 5
Hide Copy Previous Week O   This setting is a duplicate and may be removed in a future release. Edit Timecard Settings instead. N/A
Hide Copy Schedules Button   TEC Indicates whether the Copy Selected Schedules button is hidden on the Timecard Entry page accessed from the Log a Timecard - New UI button. The default value is false. False
Hide Expand Tasks Z   Indicates whether the Expand Tasks or Collapse Tasks link is hidden on the Time Entry page. See Time Entry Links for more information about expanding and collapsing tasks. False
Hide Notes Column     Indicates whether the Notes column on the Time Entry page is hidden. The default value is false.

You can use this setting in conjunction with the easy entry popup so that users can enter daily notes, location and travel in the easy entry popup while entering daily timecard hours. See Configuring the Easy Entry Popup Mode.

Hide Save Button   TEC Indicates that the Save button is hidden on the Timecard Entry page. False
Hide Show All Tasks/My Tasks Z   Indicates that the All Tasks and My Tasks buttons are hidden on the Add Tasks popup in the Time Entry page. See Selecting Project Tasks. When Only Show Assigned Tasks and Hide Show All Tasks/My Tasks are both true, tasks are filtered to only show the user's tasks. When Only Show Assigned Tasks is false and Hide Show All Tasks/My Tasks is true, all tasks are shown. For more information, see Task Time: Only Show Assigned Tasks. False
Hide Submit Button   TEC Indicates that the Submit button is hidden on the Timecard Entry page. False
Holiday Color Code     Color for the date column heading when the day is a work calendar holiday for the selected resource. #AACBFF
Hours Cell Pixel Width Z   Determines the pixel width of timecard hours cells in the Time Entry page. The default value is 65. 65
Lock Timecard Hours in Calculated Mode   TEC If selected and Task Time Entry Mode is set to Calculated, the timecard hours cannot be changed. Only the task hours can be edited.
The setting is deselected by default.
Maximum Resource Hours Per Week     This optional setting determines the maximum number of hours per week a resource can enter into their timecard.
This setting can be configured by entering a fixed maximum number of hours that a resource can enter (hard limit) or as a percentage of the work calendar hours (percent limit).
If the maximum number of hours is configured as a percent limit, PSA calculates the effective work hours. For example, for a 40 hour work calendar week with no public holidays, entering 100% allows a resource to enter a maximum of 40 hours. In a week with a public holiday, the resource can enter a maximum of 32 hours. Entering 200% would allow the resource to enter 80 hours in a normal week and 64 hours in a week with a public holiday.
This setting is only active if its value is greater than zero. When entering a value, you can use up to 2 decimal points.
If resources exceed the maximum number when entering hours, PSA displays a notification message.
Max Resource Hours Per Day     Determines the maximum number of timecard hours that can be entered each day for a resource.
To restrict the number of hours that can be entered for a resource on each day, the create-time-date-records configuration option (if applicable) must be set to true and must have been set to true when all timecards were entered for that resource for that week. When entering a value, you can use up to 2 decimal points.

This restriction can be overridden by selecting the Exclude from Daily Maximum checkbox on the timecard. See Exclude from Daily Maximum.

Minimum Resource Hours Per Week     This optional setting determines the minimum number of hours a resource must enter into a weekly timecard.
This setting can be configured by entering a fixed minimum number of hours that a resource can enter (hard limit) or as a percentage of the work calendar hours (percent limit). See Maximum Resource Hours Per Week for information on hard and percent limits.
This setting is only active if its value is greater than zero. When entering a value, you can use up to 2 decimal points.
If users enter fewer hours into their timecards than the minimum configured, PSA will display a notification message.
If the value of this setting is greater than the value of Maximum Resource Hours Per Week, PSA will display a notification message.
If a user submits a timecard with fewer hours than the minimum configured, PSA will display a notification message.
Nickname Editable     Indicates whether the assignment nickname is editable in the lookup. You can use this option to prevent an issue where RCEDClosed permissions are required on a user's profile to enter a timecard even if the Schedule section is not shown or editable. When the setting is true, the Nickname field is editable and RCED and FLSClosed permissions are required on the Assignment object. When the setting is false, the Nickname field is read-only on the page and no RCED permission on the Assignment object or Nickname field is required. True
Note Location Allowed X   Indicates whether the location field appears in the View Details section of a timecard. For Time Entry this setting determines if the Location field appears for each of the days within the Notes window accessed via the Notes icon.If you want to add the Location field to one of the Easy Entry popups, you can add it to Easy Entry field sets. See Field Sets for Timecard Entry . True
Pre Populate Task   TEC If this setting is selected when entering time against tasks, the tasks for the selected user and project are pre populated for the current week. The setting is deselected by default. False
Proj assig dropdown account custom field     Determines which field, if any, from the Project's Account to add to the Assignment name as a prefix for the Timecard lines being entered. Null
Project editable after save audit Notes     Indicates whether audit notes are automatically created when the assignmentClosed or projectClosed in a timecardClosed is changed. Four tokens are used:
  • <User> — The user carrying out the action on the timecard.
  • <Date> — Today's date.
  • <Old project> — The original project or assignment name on the timecard.
  • <New project> — The new project or assignment name that the user selected.
For instance, the default value is:
User <user> changed the Project from <oldproject> to <newproject> on <date>.
User <user> changed the Project from <oldproject> to <newproject> on <date>
Project Task Tooltip Fieldset Name     Defines the name of a field set containing the fields shown in the tooltip for the Project Task line in task time entry pages. Null
Project tooltip fields     List of project fields to be shown as tooltips when hovering over the “i” icon. Project_Status__c,Billable_Internal_Hours__c
Restrict Task Based On Milestone     Applicable when logging time against tasks. This setting is deselected by default.
When selected and Pre Populate Task is selected, the tasks are pre-populated based on the selected milestone. When users do not select a milestone, only tasks not associated with a milestone are displayed. This setting enables the Limit to Tasks with Matching Milestone filter which restricts the tasks you can view and select.

For this setting to work correctly, ensure that the milestone field is displayed on the timecard line and not in the notes. See Timecard Settings for more information.

Restrict Task Based On Assignment   TEC As with Restrict Task Based On Milestone, tasks are also pre-populated based on the selected assignment. This setting is deselected by default. When selected, this setting enables the Limit to Tasks with Matching Assignment filter which restricts the tasks you can view and select. False
Save Column Preferences Z  

Indicates that a user's customized preferences to width, order, and visibility of columns are saved in the Time Entry page.
This also includes the columns in the Project/Assignment and Resource lookups.
When a user changes the width of the Project/Assignment column, the pixel value is automatically updated in Width PX for Project Assig Drop Down.

These preferences are saved to your server by default. If you need to save storage space on the server, you can save the preferences for the lookups locally by selecting the Use Local Storage For Column Preferences field in the Timecard Entry UI Global setting.

Schedule Assignment Tooltip Fields     Assignment fields to display when hovering over the “i” icon in the schedule section of a timecard. Each field that you include in the list must be in the same case as the field name and include a namespace where applicable. Percent_Allocated__c, Description__c,CreatedDate
Schedule grid weekend delta     Determines the number of weeks ahead of the Timecard weekend to show in the Schedule display on the bottom half of the page. 0
Schedule Project Tooltip Fields     Project fields to display when hovering over the “i” icon in the schedule section of a timecard. Each field that you include in the list must be in the same case as the field name and include a namespace where applicable. Project_Status__c,Billable_Internal_Hours__c
Show Alert for NonZero WeekendHours     Indicates whether an alert is displayed when a user enters a non zero value for a day that has zero working hours in the selected resource work calendar. False
Show Alert For NonZero HolidayHours     Indicates whether an alert is displayed when a user enters a non zero value on a day marked as holiday when that holiday is to have zero working hours. False
Show Billable NonBillable Hours Z   If selected, billable and non-billable hours display in hover text on each total in the totals row for the timecard daily columns and the sum column in Time Entry. True
Show Easy Entry Popup     Controls whether the easy entry popup appears on the Time Entry page and on the Timesheet Entry grid. False
Show Milestone as Field     The field to use as the milestone name field. When you specify a valid field name, the value of that field is displayed in place of the Milestone Name for all the milestones shown in the lookup list. False
Show Recall On Timecards   TEC Indicates whether a recall link is displayed on submitted timecards. True
Show schedule grid     Determines whether the Schedule grid section will be displayed on the bottom half of the page. True
Show Schedule Grid Expanded By Default     Determines whether the Schedule grid section will be automatically expanded to show all the Resource's Assignments on the bottom half of the page. True
Show Schedule Tooltips     Indicates whether a tooltip "i" icon appears in the schedule section of a timecard. False
Show Travel   TEC Indicates whether the travel checkboxes are shown in the detail area of each row in the Timecard Entry page. The default value is true. For Time Entry this setting determines if the Travel field appears for each of the days within the Notes window accessed via the Notes icon.
If you want to add the Travel field to one of the Easy Entry popups, you can add it to Easy Entry field sets. See Field Sets for Timecard Entry
Status/Recall Columns Not Fixed Z   Determines where the Status, Recall and additional columns appear. The default value is false where the ‘Status' and adjacent ‘Recall' columns (if displayed) will appear to the right of the Notes column. By default, if additional columns are added to a timecard, such as milestone or phase, these will appear to the right of the ‘Status' and ‘Recall' columns. Set to true to allow such additional fields to be added in between the Notes column and the Status column. False
Task Statuses to Hide Z TEC Specifies tasks to hide when pre-populating in Timecards unless they have associated time logged. The value is a comma-separated list of statuses. None
Task Time Entry Mode   TEC The time entry mode to use when entering time against project tasks on the Time Entry page. You can choose one of these values: Adjust up, Current, Calculated, or Free Form. The default value is Current. For information about the way in which these modes work, see About Time Against Project Tasks. In the Time Entry page, if this setting is not set to Current, you can't add columns to appear to the left of the time entry cells. Current
Task Time: Filter Task Dates   TEC Defines the filtering behavior on project task dates when choosing project tasks to enter time against. You can enter a value of None or Overlap. If you enter None, no filtering on project task dates occurs. If you enter Overlap, filtering occurs based on whether the timecard and selectable project tasks have some overlap on dates. None
Task Time: Only Show Assigned Tasks   TEC Indicates whether the resource can only select tasks that they have an assignment for when entering time against project tasks. When this option is not selected, users can enable this feature on the Time Entry page. When Only Show Assigned Tasks and Hide Show All Tasks/My Tasks are both true, tasks are filtered to only show the user's tasks. When Only Show Assigned Tasks is false and Hide Show All Tasks/My Tasks is true, all tasks are shown. For more information, see Hide Show All Tasks/My Tasks. False
TC Fields NOT To Copy From Previous Week     By default, all Timecard fields are copied from the previous week's Timecard record. Use this setting to specify which fields should not be copied. Null
TC Header Row Editable Fieldset Name     Determines the field set containing the fields that define the editable fields in the timecard header line in the Timecard UI.
To use a custom field set, enter the custom field set's API name. See Salesforce Help for information on creating field sets.
TC Header Row Left Editable Field Set Name T   API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields shown to the left of Hours in the timecard header line of the Timecard UI. This setting is not supported in the Time Entry page in time against tasks mode when the Task Time Entry Mode setting is set to any value other than Current. See Task Time Entry Mode. Null
TC Header Row Readonly Fieldset Name     Determines the field set containing the fields that define the read-only fields in the timecard header line in the Timecard UI.
To use a custom field set, enter the custom field set's API name. See Salesforce Help for information on creating field sets.
TC Hour Fields To Copy From Schedule     Determines which Timecard Hours fields to copy from Schedule. Monday_Hours__c,Tuesday_Hours__c,Wednesday_Hours__c,Thursday_Hours__c,Friday_Hours__c ,Saturday_Hours__c,Sunday_Hours__c  Monday_Hours__c,Tuesday_Hours__c,Wednesday_Hours__c,Thursday_Hours__c,Friday_Hours__c ,Saturday_Hours__c,Sunday_Hours__c
TC Notes Field Editable Fieldset Name     Determines the field set containing the fields that define editable fields in the Notes section in timecard lines in the Timecard UI.
To use a custom field set, enter the custom field set's API name. See Salesforce Help for information on creating field sets.
TC Notes Field Readonly Fieldset Name     Determines the field set containing the fields that define read-only fields in the Notes section in timecard lines in the Timecard UI.
To use a custom field set, enter the custom field set's API name. See Salesforce Help for information on creating field sets.
TC Status To Hide     List of timecard statuses to hide on the timecard UI. Null
Top Assignment to show count     Number of top Assignments to be shown in the Project/Assignment overlay. 10
Top_Assignment_week_load_limit     Number of weeks for which top Assignments/Projects show on Project/Assignment overlay Top_Assignment_week_load_limit: Number of weeks for which top Assignments/Projects to load to show on Project/Assignment overlay. 4
Top Project to show count     Number of top Projects to be loaded to show on Project/Assignment overlay. 10
Use Assignment ID     Determines whether the Assignment ID should be used when displaying Assignments on the Timecard page. True
Weekend Color Code     Color for the date column heading when the day is a non working day for the selected resourceClosed. Null
Width PX for Project Assig Drop Down     Controls the pixel width of the Project/Assignment column in timecards. The value of this setting is automatically updated when a user changes the width of the Project/Assignment column in the Time Entry page. See Save Column Preferences. 200

Timecard Configuration Group Settings

This section lists the timecard settings that you can only change in the Timecard configuration groupClosed. For other timecard configuration settings in the Timecard configuration group, see Timecard Entry UI Global Settings and Timecard Entry UI Personal Settings.

Field Key Description
timecard-auto-submit-for-approval   When using the Submit button on the Timecard Entry page to submit timecards for approval, indicates whether all selected timecards are only submitted for approval if none of them report errors during submission. See Setting up Workflow and Approval Processes.
allow-post-submit-edits-after-close   Indicates whether the Closed for Time Entry checkboxes on parent records such as projects, assignments and milestones only stops time entry on new or unsubmitted timecards. When the option is enabled, users cannot enter new timecards or submit a timecard that was not previously submitted.
assignment-project-editable-after-save-audit-notes   Indicates whether audit notes are automatically created when the assignment or project in a timecard is changed. Four tokens are used:
  • <User> — The user carrying out the action on the timecard.
  • <Date> — Today's date.
  • <Old project> — The original project or assignment name on the timecard.
  • <New project> — The new project or assignment name that the user selected.

For instance, the default value is:
User <user> changed the Project from <oldproject> to <newproject> on <date>.
assignment-strict-date-restrictions-only-pre-submit   Indicates whether the assignment-strict-start-date-restriction and assignment-strict-end-date-restriction is only applied before a timecard is submitted. The default value is false.
assignment-strict-end-date-restriction   Indicates whether the timecard end date must not be later than the Assignment End Date. When this option is set, timecard hours for days after the Assignment End Date must be zero.
assignment-strict-start-date-restriction   Indicates whether the timecard start date must not be earlier than the Assignment Start Date. When this option is set, timecard hours for days prior to the Assignment Start Date must be zero.
auto-share-with-project-manager-user   Defines the level of sharing with the project manager for newly created timecards. You can choose from the values None, Read or Edit. The default value is None.
auto-share-with-project-resources   Defines the level of sharing with assigned project resources for newly created timecards. You can choose from the values None, Read or Edit. The default value is None.
create-time-date-records   Indicates whether seven child date records are created for each timecard. When this option is enabled each time date record that is created contains a date and the hours for that day. You can use this configuration option or the force-daily-timecard-splits configuration option to create native Salesforce reports with per-day reporting.
est vs actuals timecard status   Timecards that have a status which is included in the values for this field appear in the estimates versus actuals calculations. When a user changes the status of a timecard to a status that is not included in the list, the actuals for that timecard are removed from the estimates versus actuals calculation. For example, if you change the status from Submitted to Rejected, that timecard is no longer included in the calculation.

This setting is no longer used. Use the Timecard Statuses field in the Est Vs Actuals Settings custom setting to set the timecard statuses to include in the calculation. For instance, if you want timecards with a status of Saved to be included in the calculation, add Saved to the comma-delimited list in the Timecard Status field of the Est Vs Actuals Settings custom setting.

disable-assignment-to-timecard-bill-rate-defaulting   Disables initializing the bill rate on Timecard from Assignment.
Timecards must have bill rates. Enable this option only if your bill rate is universally set across your organization by an alternate process.
force-daily-timecard-spilts   Indicates whether seven daily timecard splits are created for a timecard. When this option is set, the timecard splits are created regardless of time periods and the value set in the Timecard_Split_Time_Period_Types configuration option. You can use this configuration option or the create-time-date-records configuration option to create native Salesforce reports with per-day reporting.
missing timecard status   Timecards with a status other than the ones listed in the values are included when PSA calculates missing timecards. Add a value to the missing-timecard-status field for each status that you do not want to generate a missing timecard for. You can add : Saved, Submitted and Approved.
Save timecard with zero hours   Indicates whether users can save timecards with zero hours.
show-recall-on-timecards   Indicates whether a recall link is displayed on submitted timecards.
Submit timecard with zero hours   Set the value to true if you want users to be able to submit timecards with zero hours, otherwise set the value to false.
task-time-entry-assignment-filter   Indicates whether the resource can only select tasks that they have an assignment for when entering time against project tasks. When this option is not selected, users can enable this feature on the Time Entry page.
task-time-entry-date-filter   Defines the filtering behavior on project task dates when choosing project tasks to enter time against. You can enter a value of None or Overlap. If you enter None, no filtering on project task dates occurs. If you enter Overlap, filtering occurs based on whether the timecard and selectable project tasks have some overlap on dates.
timecard-auto-submit-for-approval   When using the Submit button on the Timecard Entry page to submit timecards for approval, indicates whether all selected timecards are only submitted for approval if none of them report errors during submission. See Setting up Workflow and Approval Processes.
time-variance-timecard-status   The value(s) of the timecard status field used when calculating time variance. Select any or all of the following picklist values: Saved, Submitted, and Approved. Any status fields not listed are considered missing timecards and assigned zero hours.
update assignments with timecard costs   If you want the Assignment roll-up fields to update when users submit timecards, set the value to true, otherwise set the value to false.
update milestones with timecard costs   If you want the Milestone roll-up fields to update when users submit timecards, set the value to true, otherwise set the value to false.
update-approver-on-edit   Indicates whether the Approver field on a timecard is updated when a user edits it. This configuration option is dependent on the AssignProjectManagerToTimecardApprover configuration option in the ASM TriggersClosed configuration groupClosed.
update-tch-from-tc-sync   Indicates whether changes made on timecard splits are carried out on the related timecard at the time the change is made on the timecard splitClosed.
restrict-task-based-on-milestone   See Restrict Task Based On Milestone for more information.
restrict-task-based-on-assignment   See Restrict Task Based On Assignment for more information.
Timecard-Queue-Batch-Size   Determines the batch size of assignments, milestones, and timecard headers used when rolling up data from timecards to assignments, milestones, and timecard headers. The default value is 1000. Contact Certinia Customer Support before changing this setting.

Timecard Approval UI Custom Settings

The Timecard Approval UI custom setting controls the behavior of the Manage Timecards to Approve page.


AP = Populates automatically based on your selections on the Manage Timecards to Approve page.

O = Obsolete.

Setting   Description


Always Group Timecard Approvals AP If selected, timecard approval requests are grouped into default primary or secondary categories. False
Filter Section Field Set Name   The API name of the field set that controls which additional fields are added to the Filter section of the Manage Timecards to Approve page. The default value is null. Null
Number of Timecards Shown Per Page   Number of timecards to display per page on the Manage Timecards to Approve page. 10
Selected Primary Group AP If Always Group Timecard Approvals is selected, this setting applies a default primary grouping to timecard approval requests. Null
Selected Secondary Group AP If Always Group Timecard Approvals is selected, this setting applies a default secondary grouping to timecard approval requests. Null
Show Daily Notes With Hours   If true, allows users to see daily notes with daily hours if note fields have been added to the Timecard Approval Columns field set. The default value is false. False
Show Week Dates As Column Headers   If true, on the Manage Timecards To Approve page, allows users to see the day name and date in the column header if Timecard Week Ending Date has been set and Include Overlaps is not selected, The default value is true. True
DEPRECATED: Show Timecard Name O These custom settings are deprecated and are no longer used.  
DEPRECATED: Show Daily Hours  
DEPRECATED: Show Project Name  
DEPRECATED: Show Assignment Name  
DEPRECATED: Show Resource Name  
DEPRECATED: Show Milestone Name  
DEPRECATED: Show Week Ending Field  
DEPRECATED: Show Billable Field  
DEPRECATED: Show Etc Field  
DEPRECATED: Show Total Hours Field  
Timecard Tooltip Fieldset Name   Determines the field set containing the fields to be shown in the tooltip for the Timecard line on the Manage Timecards To Approve page.
If no field set is specified, the fields listed in Tooltip Fields are displayed.
Tooltip Fields   Comma delimited list of API names of timecard fields to display on the Manage Timecards to Approve page when hovering over the tooltip icon. Null

If you have permissions to do so, you can change the columns that appear on the Manage Timecards to Approve page by editing the field sets in the Timecard object. See Timecard Field Sets. Field sets are a Salesforce platform feature. For further information about editing field sets, see the Salesforce help.

Timecard Approval URL Parameters

You can use URL parameters when configuring timecard approval, for example, in email alerts used in the approval process.

URL Parameter   Description
ProjAssignId   Determines the project ID or assignment ID.
WeekEndingDate   Determines the date the week ends on. Enter the parameter using this format: mm/dd/yyyy.


The following is an example of how to use the timecard approval paramters: https://my_org.visual.force.com/apex/ManageTCToApprove?id=005G00000040gSJ&projAssignId=a0tG00000037s00&weekEndingDate=02/03/2015

See Setting up Workflow and Approval Processes for more information.