Timesheet Entry Overview

Professional Services Cloud

Timesheet Entry enables you to submit time against multiple projects, assignments, milestones, and project tasks. You can also view and add daily notes with details such as the location for off-site visits or meetings, as well as edit, recall, save, and submit your timecards for approval.

Timesheet Entry utilizes your associated work calendar and defaults to the set week start day set on your work calendar. The default week upon opening Timesheet Entry is the current week.

The following columns are displayed by default in the Timesheet Entry grid:

  • Milestone
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Total Hours
  • Status
  • Notes
  • Work

The Work column contains both global projects and your assignments:

  • Global Project indicates the record is a global project.
  • Assignment indicates the record is an assignment.

For more information, see Timesheet Entry Fields and Buttons.

Customizing the Grid

The Timesheet Entry grid retains any changes made to the grid, each time you use the grid on the same computer, using the same browser. You can configure the grid by changing column widths and layouts, hide columns, and sort columns, and these configurations are remembered by the grid when you navigate away and back again.

Non-Working Days

In the Timesheet Entry grid, non-working days are shaded in gray to differentiate from working days. A non-working day is defined by your Work Calendar for days where the working hours equal zero.

Holidays and Bank Holidays are indicated by blue cell shading in the Timesheet Entry grid. This color is customizable and is controlled by your administrator, seeSetting Up Timesheet Entry for more information.

National holidays and Bank Holidays must be set up in your work calendar to display in the grid.

If a holiday falls on a non-working day, the cell shading defaults to the assigned holiday color.


You must have Read permission for the Holiday object to be able to view holidays in the grid. For more information, see Setting Up Timesheet Entry.

Holiday hours are automatically excluded from the Remaining Hours to Submit summary card, as they do not count as a working day. The overall Work Calendar summary card still displays the total hours for the week according to the work calendar.