Setting Up Timesheet Entry
You can use Timesheet Entry to record time against multiple projects and assignments in more detail than Compact Time Entry.
To set up users to use Timesheet Entry, you must complete the following steps:
- Assign the following permission sets to users who use time entry:
- PSA - Enter Time Against Projects and Assignments.
- Ensure your user has a resource record set up. Users are unable to record time in Timesheet Entry without this.
- Ensure your users are assigned the relevant read/edit permissions for all of the fields used in Timesheet Entry.
Entering Time on Project Tasks
To enable users to enter time on project tasks in the Timesheet Entry grid, you must assign the following:
- Read permission for the TMTE_TaskTimeEntryController class.
- Read permission for the Parent Task field on the Project Task Object.
Entering time on Project Tasks is not available when the Task Time Entry Current mode is selected.
The hours rolled-up value in Timesheet Entry vary depending on the task time entry mode selected:
- Calculated mode - hours are rolled-up depending on the hours entered on each day. Users can manually overwrite the hours roll-up. Removing hours for a given day will recalculate the hours roll-up, however deleting task times for a given day is not reflected accurately.
- Adjust Up mode - hours added to the grid will be included in the hours roll-up, however deleting or removing hours will not decrease the hours roll-up.
- Current - project tasks are not available in Timesheet Entry.
If the Lock Timecards in Calculated Mode custom setting is enabled and Calculated mode is not selected, task time entry will default to the mode selected in the Task Time Entry custom setting.
Recording Daily Notes
To enable users to record travel time and locations in their timecard notes, ensure the Travel and Location fields are enabled in the Timecard Personal UI custom setting.
Customizing Timesheet Entry
Timesheet Entry supports the use of custom field sets in the grid, enabling you to view custom columns. You can also assign custom field sets to the Create from Assignment and Create from Global Project windows.
To assign custom read-only field sets in the Timesheet Entry grid:
- From Setup, navigate to Object Manager | Timecard | Field Sets.
- Create a new field set and note its API name.
- From Setup, navigate to Custom Code | Custom Settings.
- In the Time Entry UI Personal custom setting, enter the API name of your new field set in TC Header Row Readonly Fieldset Name.
To assign custom editable field sets in the Timesheet Entry grid:
- From Setup, navigate to Object Manager | Timecard | Field Sets.
- Create a new field set and note its API name.
- From Setup, navigate to Custom Code | Custom Settings.
- In the Time Entry UI Personal custom setting, enter the API name of your new field set in TC Header Row Editable Fieldset Name.
To assign custom field sets to the Create from Assignment window:
- From Setup, navigate to Object Manager | Assignment | Field Sets.
- Create a new field set and note its API name.
- From Setup, navigate to Custom Code | Custom Settings.
- In the Time Entry UI Global custom setting, enter the API name of your new field set in Assignment Lookup Fieldset Name.
To assign custom field sets to the Create from Global Project window:
- From Setup, navigate to Object Manager | Project | Field Sets.
- Create a new field set and note its API name.
- From Setup, navigate to Custom Code | Custom Settings.
- In the Time Entry UI Global custom setting, enter the API name of your new field set in Project Lookup Fieldset Name.
Non-Working Days
You must assign users Read permission for the Holiday object to enable them to view holidays in the Timesheet Entry grid. This permission is assigned in the Enter Time permission set.
You can also customize the cell shading used to indicate holidays recorded in the resource's work calendar. By default, holiday days appear as blue in the Timesheet Entry grid.
To change the color, enter HEX code for your required color in the Holiday Color Code field, located in the Timecard Entry UI Personal custom setting.
It is possible to enable partial work hours on a holiday day. This is controlled by the Work Hours field on the holiday, as entered in a resource's work calendar. This field is set to zero by default and is not included in the summary card values.