Forecasting Revenue


The Forecast Revenue feature will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend you migrate to recognition schedules and use the Revenue Scheduled By Period report (RM Report Templates folder) or build your own reports on recognition schedule data to gain insight into a company's future revenue position. For information about migrating to recognition schedules, see Migrating from Actuals to Recognition Schedules.

Alternatively if Revenue Management is integrated with PSA, you can use PSA's Revenue Forecasting feature.

You can forecast revenue manually or automatically.

  • When you forecast automatically, the forecast values are calculated by a batch job. You are notified by email when the job has completed. The values are calculated using the calculation type on the source record's forecast recognition template, or using the forecast schedule definition if one is specified on the template. You can edit the values that are calculated.
  • When you forecast manually, you can enter forecast values for individual periods. You can enter forecast values either as monetary values or as percentages. Once you start entering values they are automatically saved as draft and are reloaded next time you enter forecasts for the same source record.

Once you have submitted forecast values, you can reload the latest version of a particular forecast category (Best, Worst or Expected) to review it and make further updates. You can reload a specific forecast version if you want to review and update an existing forecast for a single source record.

See the related topics for more information.


You can only forecast revenue for source records that have a forecast recognition template defined.

By default, source records that are linked to a recognition template where the Use in Revenue Contract checkbox is selected are excluded from forecasting processes. See About Parallel Reporting for more information.