Grouping your Source Data


This topic describes functionality relating to recognizing revenue or cost against source records (sometimes known as ActualsClosed Refers to the original revenue recognition process where staging data is generated for source records. The Recognize Revenue page and Recognize All use this process.) which is no longer the recommended way to use Revenue Management. For more information, see Revenue Management System Overview.

When recognizing revenue or cost against source records (sometimes known as ActualsClosed Refers to the original revenue recognition process where staging data is generated for source records. The Recognize Revenue page and Recognize All use this process.), you can apply grouping so that records are displayed in a summarized format rather than at detail level. Once the summarized data is displayed, you can optionally expand a grouped row to view the records within it.

You can group data at the primary object level using the filters on that source object. For example, if your primary object is Project you might have filters for company, region and project manager. Let's assume these are your source records:

Data Used in a Grouping Example
Company Region Project Manager Recognize This Period Record Count
Hecate US West Ted 2000 1
Hecate US North Cindy 3000 1
Hecate US West Cindy 4000 1
Hecate US West Ted 1200 1
Hecate UK Yorkshire Dan 3000 1
Hecate UK Yorkshire Dan 2500 1
Hecate UK Surrey Alison 1250 1

If you group this data by company, two grouped rows are displayed:

Results if Example Data is Grouped by Company
Company Recognize This Period Record Count
Hecate US 10200 4
Hecate UK 6750 3

If you group this data by company and region, four grouped rows are displayed:

Results if Example Data is Grouped by Company and Region
Company Region Recognize This Period Record Count
Hecate US West 7200 3
Hecate US North 3000 1
Hecate UK Yorkshire 5500 2
Hecate UK Surrey 1250 1

If you group this data by company, region and project manager, 5 grouped rows are displayed:

Results if Example Data is Grouped by Company, Region, and Project Manager
Company Region Project Manager Recognize This Period Record Count
Hecate US West Ted 3200 2
Hecate US North Cindy 3000 1
Hecate US West Cindy 4000 1
Hecate UK Yorkshire Dan 5500 2
Hecate UK Surrey Alison 1250 1

If you are satisfied that a grouped row shows the correct Recognize This Period amount, you can select and commit the row without viewing its details. But if you want to query the amount shown in the Recognize This Period column, click to expand the grouped row and view the records within it. (The detail view opens in a new tab, and the grouped rows are then shown on the Grouping tab.) You can then choose to commit the whole grouped row, or to commit just some records within it. Be aware that if you submit records from the detail view, the results on the Grouping tab do not refresh.

Any grouping criteria that you apply on the Recognize Revenue page are saved with the recognition view.


If the RM Grouped Transactions feature is enabled in your org, recognition transactions are grouped by the first criteria. For more information, see About Grouped Transactions.