Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Cash Matching Settings

Cash Matching Settings

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AsynchMatchingThreshold__c Asynch Matching Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0)
AsynchUndoMatchThreshold__c Asynch Undo Match Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0)
BackgroundMatchingBatchSize__c Background Matching Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0)
MatchingLinesThreshold__c Background Matching Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Number(3,0)
MatchingReferencesThreshold__c Background Matching References Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Number(3,0)
ShowAnalysisSectionByDefault__c Show Analysis Section by Default Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
ShowDiscountValues__c Show Discount Values Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates that you want to show Discount values on the Extended Cash Matching page (Other Transactions pane).

Checkbox false
ShowRemainingValues__c Show Remaining Values Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates that you want to show Remaining values on the Extended Cash Matching page (Other Transactions pane).

Checkbox false
ShowWriteoffValues__c Edit Write-Off Values Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates that the Write-Off values located in the Other Transactions pane, on the Extended Cash Matching page can be edited. Also found on the Accounts Receivable Write-Off.

Checkbox false

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