Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Sales Invoice Line Item

The line items on the invoice, such as product, unit price, quantity and line total.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
CalculateIncomeSchedule__c Calculate Income Schedule Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox, checked by default, changed to unchecked if has been used

Checkbox true
CalculateTaxValue1FromRate__c Calculate Tax Value from Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
CalculateTaxValue2FromRate__c Calculate Tax Value 2 from Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
CalculateTaxValue3FromRate__c Calculate Tax Value 3 from Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
DeriveLineNumber__c Derive Line Number Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
DeriveTaxRate1FromCode__c Derive Tax Rate from Code Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
DeriveTaxRate2FromCode__c Derive Tax Rate 2 from Code Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
DeriveTaxRate3FromCode__c Derive Tax Rate 3 from Code Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
DeriveUnitPriceFromProduct__c Derive Unit Price from Product Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
DestinationCompany__c Destination Company Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaCompany__c
DestinationNetValue__c Destination Net Value Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
DestinationUnitPrice__c * DestinationQuantity__c
DestinationQuantity__c Destination Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 The quantity of product bought by destination company.

Number(18,6) 1
DestinationUnitPrice__c Destination Unit Price Pre-Spring 2018 The unit price for this product for destination company.

Dimension1__c Dimension 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaDimension1__c
Dimension2__c Dimension 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaDimension2__c
Dimension3__c Dimension 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaDimension3__c
Dimension4__c Dimension 4 Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaDimension4__c
ExcludeFromWithholding__c Exclude from Withholding Fall 2021 Indicates that the product line item is excluded from the Withholding Tax calculation.

Checkbox false
ExternalId__c External Id Pre-Spring 2018 Text(32)
GeneralLedgerAccount__c Override Product GLA Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaGeneralLedgerAccount__c
IncomeScheduleGroup__c Group Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaGroupingReference__c
IncomeSchedule__c Income Schedule Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaIncomeScheduleDefinition__c
IntercompanyTransfer__c Intercompany Transfer Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaIntercompanyTransfer__c
InternalCalculateIS__c Internal Calculate IS Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
InvoiceCurrencyDecimalPlaces__c Currency Decimal Places Summer 2020 The number of decimal places used by the invoice currency. Permitted values are 0 and 2. The default is 2.

Number(1,0) 2
Invoice__c Invoice Number Pre-Spring 2018 The auto-generated invoice number.

Looks up to: codaInvoice__c
LineDescription__c Line Description Pre-Spring 2018 TextArea
LineNumber__c Line Number Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
LocalGLA__c Override Product Local GLA Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaGeneralLedgerAccount__c
NetValue__c Net Value Pre-Spring 2018 The unit price multiplied by the quantity.

Round((UnitPrice__c * Quantity__c), IF(ISBLANK(InvoiceCurrencyDecimalPlaces__c), 2, InvoiceCurrencyDecimalPlaces__c))
NumberofJournals__c Number of Journals Pre-Spring 2018 Number(12,0)
OriginalInvoice__c Original Invoice Spring 2022 Lookup to the original invoice that this line came from before consolidation.

Looks up to: codaInvoice__c
OwnerCompany__c Company Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaCompany__c
PeriodInterval__c Period Interval Pre-Spring 2018 Number(12,0)
ProductCode__c Product Code Pre-Spring 2018 Product Code.

ProductReference__c Product Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Product__c Product Name Pre-Spring 2018 The product name.

Looks up to: Product2

Quantity__c Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 The quantity of product sold.

Number(18,6) 1
ScheduleNetTotal__c Schedule Net Total Pre-Spring 2018 Sum of the Amount on the Income Schedule Lines

Scheduled__c Deprecated: Scheduled Pre-Spring 2018 Income Schedule

Checkbox false
SetTaxCode1ToDefault__c Set Tax Code 1 to Default Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
SetTaxCode2ToDefault__c Set Tax Code 2 to Default Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
SetTaxCode3ToDefault__c Set Tax Code 3 to Default Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
StartDate__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
TaxCode1__c Tax Code Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaTaxCode__c
TaxCode2__c Tax Code 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaTaxCode__c
TaxCode3__c Tax Code 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaTaxCode__c
TaxCodeCombined__c Combined Tax Code Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaTaxCode__c
TaxRate1__c Tax Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Number(7,3)
TaxRate2__c Tax Rate 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Number(7,3)
TaxRate3__c Tax Rate 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Number(7,3)
TaxRateTotal__c Tax Rate Total Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
TaxRate1__c + TaxRate2__c + TaxRate3__c
TaxValue1__c Tax Value Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
TaxValue2__c Tax Value 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
TaxValue3__c Tax Value 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
TaxValueTotal__c Tax Value Total Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
TaxValue1__c + TaxValue2__c + TaxValue3__c
UnitOfWork__c Unit of Work Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
UnitPrice__c Unit Price Pre-Spring 2018 The unit price for this product.

UsePartPeriods__c Use Part Periods Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
UseProductInformation__c Use Product Information Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox, checked by default, changed to unchecked if has been used

Checkbox true

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