Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: Async API Framework Settings

Contains settings that control the Async API Framework.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
DaysToKeepErrorJobRecords__c Days to Keep Error Job Records Spring 2024 Number of days to keep records for jobs that failed before automatically deleting them.

Number(4,0) 14
DaysToKeepProcessRunsAndLogs__c Days to Keep Process Run & Logs Spring 2021 Number of days to keep Process Run and Log records before automatically deleting them.

Number(4,0) 90
DaysToKeepSuccessfulJobRecords__c Days to Keep Success Job Records Spring 2024 Number of days to keep records for jobs that succeded before automatically deleting them.

Number(4,0) 7
DeadJobEnqueueDelayMinutes__c Dead Job Sweeper Enqueue Delay Minutes Spring 2024 The number of minutes to delay the enqueuing of the Dead Job Sweeper. (Default is 1, Minimum is 1) a zero value will be ignored

Number(4,0) 1
LastJobRecordCleanupTime__c Job Record Cleanup Time Spring 2024 Time of last cleanup of Job Records.

MaxStalledJobChecks__c Maximum Stalled Job Checks Spring 2024 The number of times a Blocked Job is checked by the Monitor job and failed to progress before it is deemed to have failed. (Default is 10, Minimum is 1) a zero value will be ignored)

Number(4,0) 10
MaximumRetainedJobRecords__c Maximum completed Job Records to retain Spring 2024 Maximum number of completed Job Records that can be retained.

Number(10,0) 100000
MonitorEnqueueDelayMinutes__c Monitor Enqueue Delay Minutes Spring 2024 The number of minutes to delay the enquueing of the monitor job. (Default is 1, Minimum is 1) a zero value will be ignored)

Number(4,0) 1
MonitorExecutionAttempts__c Monitor Enqueue Attempts Spring 2024 The number of times the Monitor will be repeatedly enqueued where no jobs are found before retiring.

Number(4,0) 30
MonitorMaxJobsPerIteration__c Monitor Max Jobs per Iteration Spring 2024 The maximum number of pending jobs to be queried per iteration of the Monitor Job. A hard limit of 25000 records is enforced.

PendingJobIdleLimit__c Pending Job Idle Limit Spring 2024 The number of minutes a job can sit in an idle state before it's picked up by the Job Monitor and re-enqueued (Default is 5, Minimum is 1) a zero value will be ignored

Number(4,0) 5

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