Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: PS Cloud Analytics Setup

Used to create a PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This object contains details of the data required for the app and any object sharing or permission controls applied to it.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Active__c Active Summer 2022 Indicates the PS Cloud Analytics Setup record used to create the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. You can only have one active PS Cloud Analytics Setup record.

Checkbox false
Additional_Contact_Field_API_Names__c Additional Contact Field API Names Summer 2022 Stores the API names of additional fields from the Contact object in the Billings, Capacity, Utilization, and Utilization Results datasets in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Additional_Contact_Fields__c Additional Contact Fields Summer 2022 Stores additional fields from the Contact object in the Billings, Capacity, Utilization, and Utilization Results datasets in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. Encrypted and multi-select picklist fields are not supported. Assign read-access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets.

Additional_Milestone_Field_API_Names__c Additional Milestone Field API Names Summer 2023 Stores the API names of additional fields from the Milestone object in the Billings, Project Reporting, and Revenue Forecast datasets in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Additional_Milestone_Fields__c Additional Milestone Fields Summer 2023 Stores additional fields from the Milestone object in the Billings, Project Reporting, and Revenue Forecast datasets in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. Encrypted and multi-select picklist fields are not supported. Assign read-access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets.

Additional_Project_Field_API_Names__c Additional Project Field API Names Summer 2022 Stores the API names of additional fields from the Project object in the Backlog, Billings, Project Reporting, Revenue Forecast, and Total Project Margin (Workspace) datasets in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Additional_Project_Fields__c Additional Project Fields Summer 2022 Stores additional fields from the Project object in the Backlog, Billings, Project Reporting, Revenue Forecast, and Total Project Margin (Workspace) datasets in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. Encrypted and multi-select picklist fields are not supported. Only user-generated dimension fields can be added to the Project Reporting dataset. Assign read-access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets.

Additional_Resource_Change_API_Names__c Additional Resource Change API Names Summer 2023 Stores the API names of additional fields from the Resource Change object in the Utilization Results datasets in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Additional_Resource_Change_Fields__c Additional Resource Change Fields Summer 2023 Stores additional fields from the Resource Change object in the Utilization Results datasets in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. Encrypted and multi-select picklist fields are not supported. Assign read-access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets.

Backlog_Selected__c Backlog Winter 2023 If selected, creates the Backlog dataset in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This is used to create the Backlog and PSA Overview dashboards in the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app.

Checkbox true
CS_Cloud_Selected__c DEPRECATED: CS Cloud Winter 2023 This field is obsolete. If selected, creates the CS Cloud Customer Success Manager dashboard in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Checkbox false
Fiscal_Year_Start_Month__c Fiscal Year Start Month Summer 2022 Indicates the month set as the start of your fiscal year. The default option is January.

Object_Sharing__c Object Sharing Summer 2022 If selected, the object sharing model applied to the Project and Opportunity objects in your org is used to control the data displayed to users in the Backlog, Billing, and Project Reporting datasets.

Checkbox false
Permission_Controls_Enabled__c Revenue Forecasting Permission Controls Summer 2022 If selected, applies permission controls from PSA to the Revenue Forecast dataset and dashboard in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Checkbox false
Project_Margin_Selected__c Project Margin Summer 2022 If selected, creates the Project Margin dataset in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This dataset is required to create the Total Project Margin (Workspace) dashboard in the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app.

Checkbox false
Revenue_Forecast_Selected__c Revenue Forecast Summer 2022 If selected, creates the Revenue Forecast dataset and Revenue Forecast dashboard in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Checkbox false
Revenue_Management_Selected__c Revenue Management Fields Summer 2022 If selected, adds data derived from Revenue Management to the Project Reporting dataset in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Checkbox false
Services_CPQ_Selected__c Services CPQ Summer 2022 If selected, adds data derived from Services CPQ to the Project Reporting dataset in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This data is used to create the Services CPQ Estimator and Estimate Manager dashboards in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Checkbox false
Task_Time_Selected__c Task Time Summer 2023 If selected, adds Task Time data to the Project Reporting dataset in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Checkbox false
User_Generated_Field_Label_Suffix__c User-Generated Field Label Suffix Summer 2022 Add a suffix to your user-generated fields in the format: "My Project Field [ProjectCustomField]". This indicates that they are additional fields created by the user, and which object they come from.

Checkbox false
Utilization_Calculation_Type__c Utilization Calculation Type Winter 2023 If Utilization Setup is selected, creates the Utilization Results dataset. If Utilization Calculation is selected, creates data in the Capacity and Utilization dataset. If Both Calculation Types (for migration purposes) is selected, creates the Utilization Results, Utilization Summary/Detail and Utilization datasets. For information about the dashboards and apps that can be created from these datasets, see the Business Analytics Help.

Both Calculation Types (for migration purposes)
Utilization Calculation
Utilization Setup
Utilization_Results_Hierarchy_Mode__c Utilization Results Hierarchy Mode Spring 2024 Sets how the hierarchy is determined between the current user and resources.

Utilization_Results_Permission_Controls__c Utilization Results Permission Controls Spring 2024 If selected, applies permission controls from PSA to the Utilization Results dataset and dashboard in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Checkbox false
Utilization_Results_Security_Mode__c Utilization Results Security Mode Spring 2024 Detmines the security mode to apply to the Utilization Dataset

Utilization_Results_Selected__c DEPRECATED: Utilization Results Summer 2022 This field is obsolete. It was used to create the Utilization Result dataset and the Utilization Analytics dashboard in the PS Cloud Core Analytics app. This can still be performed by selecting the Utilization Result option in the Utilization Calculation Type section.

Checkbox false

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