Foundations Permissions

FDN Feature Console

API Name: ERPFeatureConsole

Enable and disable features.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission ContextSensitiveHelpController Enabled Enable and disable features.
FeatureConsoleDetailController Enabled Enable and disable features.
FeatureConsoleRestApi Enabled Enable and disable features.
Field Permission FeatureEnablementLog__c.ActivationNumber__c Edit, Read Enable and disable features.
FeatureEnablementLog__c.FeatureName__c Edit, Read Enable and disable features.
FeatureEnablementLog__c.IsEnablement__c Edit, Read Enable and disable features.
FeatureEnablementLog__c.LogDetail__c Edit, Read Enable and disable features.
FeatureEnablementLog__c.StepName__c Edit, Read Enable and disable features.
Object Permission FeatureEnablementLog__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Enable and disable features.
Apex Page Permission FeatureConsole Enabled Enable and disable features.
FeatureConsoleDetail Enabled Enable and disable features.
FeatureConsoleHelp Enabled Enable and disable features.
FeatureConsoleHelpLoader Enabled Enable and disable features.
HelpLoader Enabled Enable and disable features.
Tab Permission FeatureConsole Visible Enable and disable features.

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