Foundations Permissions

FDN Core - Read Only

API Name: ERPMessagingReadOnly

View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Application Access ERP_Messaging Visible View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ERP_Messaging_Lightning Visible View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
Apex Class Permission ContextSensitiveHelpController Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
EndPointController Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessageTypeController Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
PublicationDescriptionController Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
SubscriptionDescriptionController Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
Field Permission PermissionErrorLog__c.LocationName__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
PermissionErrorLog__c.LocationType__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
PermissionErrorLog__c.NamespacePrefix__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
PermissionErrorLog__c.Operation__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
PermissionErrorLog__c.User__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformationTable__c.DTT_Number__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformationTable__c.Description__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformationTable__c.RequiredSourceValues__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformation__c.RequiredSourceValues__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformation__c.SourceValue1__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformation__c.SourceValue2__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformation__c.TargetValue__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformation__c.UniquenessConstraint__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ERPProduct__c.Custom__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ERPProduct__c.Obsolete__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessageType__c.Description__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessageType__c.ExpiryCutoff__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessageType__c.Parent__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessageType__c.StorageExpiry__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingDelivery__c.Body01__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingDelivery__c.Chunk__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingDelivery__c.State__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingDelivery__c.Subscription__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessage__c.Body01__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessage__c.CorrelationId__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessage__c.Deletable__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessage__c.LastAttemptedDelivery__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessage__c.MessageType2__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessage__c.Sender__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessage__c.State__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.ActivationMethodData__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.ActivationMethod__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.CorrelationField__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.Custom__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.DeclarativeFields__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.DeclarativeNodeCount__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.Describer__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.Description__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.DocumentationURL__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.Enabled__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.Identifier__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.LinkControlDeveloperName__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.LinkControlFor__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.Obsolete__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.SendingHook__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.SourceObject__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.UniquenessConstraint__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.UseProcessBuilder__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.VirtualObjectProvider__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c.VirtualObject__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.ChildCountField__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.CorrelationField__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.Custom__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.DeclarativeMappingCount__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.DeliveryOrder__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.Describer__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.Description__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.DocumentationURL__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.Enabled__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.ExcludeFromSelf__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.Filters__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.HandlerData__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.Identifier__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.LinkControlDeveloperName__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.LinkControlFor__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.MaxChildCount__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.Obsolete__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.TargetObject__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.Type__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.UniquenessConstraint__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c.VirtualObjectConsumer__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobLog__c.BillingDocument__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobLog__c.LogMessage__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobLog__c.LogType__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.ApexJobId__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.BatchProcessStatus__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.BatchProcess__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.NotificationType__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.Status__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.TotalNumberOfAborts__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.TotalNumberOfErrors__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.TotalNumberOfExternal__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c.TotalNumberOfLogs__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJob__c.CronExpression__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJob__c.NotSchedulable__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
Object Permission PermissionErrorLog__c Read View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformationTable__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformation__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ERPProduct__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessageType__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingDelivery__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessage__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobLog__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRun__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJob__c Read, View All View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
Apex Page Permission DataTransformationHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformationTableHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ErpMessaging Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ErpProductHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
HelpLoader Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessageTypeHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingDeliveryHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingMessageHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublication Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingPublicationHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscription Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessagingSubscriptionHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ScheduledJobRunHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
TestPublicationHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
TestSubscriptionHelp Enabled View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
Tab Permission PermissionErrorLog__c Visible View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
DataTransformationTable__c Visible View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ERPProduct__c Visible View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
ErpMessaging Visible View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.
MessageType__c Visible View messaging and scheduled jobs in Foundations.

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