Foundations Permissions

FDN - Manage Scanned Payable Documents

API Name: FDNManageScannedPayableDocuments

Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission ocr_EnhancedBryntumGridController Enabled Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ocr_FileController Enabled Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ocr_ScannedPayableDocController Enabled Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ocr_ScannedPayableDocLinesController Enabled Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ocr_SummaryCardController Enabled Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocumentEmailService Enabled Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
Field Permission Company__c.ScannedPayableDocumentEmail__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocumentLine__c.InvoiceLineNumber__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocumentLine__c.LineDescription__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocumentLine__c.NetValue__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.Account__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.AccountEmail__c Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.AccountPhone__c Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.AccountVATNumber__c Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.Company__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.DueDate__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.ErrorDetails__c Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.InvoiceCurrency__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.InvoiceDate__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.InvoicePageCount__c Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.InvoiceTotal__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.NetTotal__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.PurchaseOrderNumber__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.Status__c Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c.VendorInvoiceNumber__c Edit, Read Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
Object Permission Company__c Read, Edit Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocumentLine__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
ScannedPayableDocument__c Create, Read, Edit Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
Tab Permission ScannedPayableDocument__c Visible Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.
Company__c Visible Includes permission to view and edit the Scanned Payable Document and Scanned Payable Document lines.

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