Order and Inventory Management Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CreateFromPurchaseContractRequest

This class represents the object used as the input parameter by the createFromPurchaseContract global service. This object must contain: the ID of the purchase contract that the recurring purchase order is created from, the ID of the warehouse that the order is shipped to, the values to set the recurrence interval and the number of recurrences, the string value for the recurrence period, a map with purchase contract line IDs belonging to the specified contract and their quantities, and the start date for the recurrences.


Name Type Description
PurchaseContractId Id The ID of the purchase contract that the recurring purchase order is created from.
RecurrenceInterval Integer The recurrence interval for the recurring purchase order records. The recurrence interval and the recurrence period determine the time between each recurring purchase order.
NumberOfRecurrences Integer The number of recurring purchase orders to be created.
QuantityByPCLineId Map<Id, Decimal> A map indicating the IDs of the purchase contract lines that the recurring purchase order lines are created from and the quantities for those purchase order lines. The purchase contract lines must belong to the purchase contract specified in the PurchaseContractId property.
RecurringPurchaseContractLinesId Set<Id> A set of IDs representing the purchase contract lines to be included in all recurring purchase orders. All contract lines must belong to the purchase contract specified in the PurchaseContractId property. Contract lines excluded from the set are considered as one-off lines and only added to the first purchase order created by the service.
RecurrencePeriod String The recurrence period for the recurring purchase order records. The valid values are: Day, Week, Month, and Year. The recurrence period and the recurrence interval determine the time between each recurring purchase order.
ShipToWarehouseId Id The ID of the warehouse that the purchase orders must be shipped to.
RecurringStartDate Date The start date for the recurrences. This is the date of the first created purchase order.



global CreateFromPurchaseContractRequest()

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