global with sharing class PurchaseContractsService
This class is used to support all the various actions that are performed on a purchase contract.
Enum containing the possible values when a change request line is deleted.
Expired |
The line has been set to a status of “Expired”. This is the value used when the deleted line is associated with an original contract line. In this case, instead of being deleted, the line remains in the change request, but it is set to a status of "Expired". |
Deleted |
The line has been deleted. This is the value used when the deleted line is not associated with an original contract line. |
global static void cancelPurchaseContract(Set<Id> purchaseContractIds)
Cancels the specified purchase contracts.
Input Parameters
purchaseContractIds |
Set<Id> |
The IDs of the purchase contracts to be canceled. |
Exceptions Thrown
DMLException |
Indicates an issue with a DML statement, such as an "insert" statement missing a required field on a record. |
global static void activatePurchaseContract(Set<Id> purchaseContractIds)
Activates the specified purchase contracts and their purchase contract lines.
Input Parameters
purchaseContractIds |
Set<Id> |
The IDs of the purchase contracts to be activated. |
Exceptions Thrown
DMLException |
Indicates an issue with a DML statement, such as an "insert" statement missing a required field on a record. |
global static scmc.PurchaseContractsService.ApplyChangeRequestAnswer applyChangeRequest(Id changeRequestId)
Applies the specified change request to its purchase contract. Only approved change requests can be applied.
Input Parameters
changeRequestId |
Id |
The ID of the change request to be applied. |
Return Value
This method returns an ApplyChangeRequestAnswer object.
global static Map<Id, scmc.PurchaseContractsService.CreateChangeRequestsAnswer> createChangeRequests(Set<Id> purchaseContractIds)
Creates change requests for the specified purchase contracts. Change request can only be created for active contracts.
Input Parameters
purchaseContractIds |
Set<Id> |
The IDs of the purchase contracts that change requests will be created for. |
Return Value
This method returns a map of purchase contract IDs and CreateChangeRequestsAnswer objects.
global static Map<Id, scmc.PurchaseContractsService.DeleteChangeRequestLineAnswer> deleteChangeRequestLine(Set<Id> changeRequestLinesIds)
Deletes the specified change request lines. Lines associated with an original contract line are set to a status of Expired.
Input Parameters
changeRequestLinesIds |
Set<Id> |
The IDs of the change request lines to be deleted. |
Return Value
This method returns a map of line IDs and deleteChangeRequestLineAnswer objects.
global static Id deepClone(Id purchaseContractId)
Creates a copy of the specified purchase contract including all lines. All fields are cloned, including custom fields. The new purchase contract does not have a relationship with other purchase contracts or requisitions. The following fields are reset: - Purchase contract's header
SCMC__Status__c = Draft SCMC__Amount_On_Order__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_On_Order__c = 0 SCMC__Amount_Matched__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_Matched__c = 0 SCMC__Amount_Received__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_Received__c = 0 SCMC__Original_Purchase_Contract__c = null SCMC__Previous_Contract__c = null - Purchase contract's lines
SCMC__Status__c = Draft SCMC__Amount_On_Order__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_On_Order__c = 0 SCMC__Amount_Matched__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_Matched__c = 0 SCMC__Amount_Received__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_Received__c = 0 SCMC__Original_Contract_Line__c = null SCMC__Previous_Contract_Line__c = null SCMC__Requisition_Line__c = null
Input Parameters
purchaseContractId |
Id |
The ID of the purchase contract to be cloned. |
Return Value
The ID of the cloned purchase contract.
global static Id renew(Id purchaseContractId)
Renews an existing purchase contract in a status of Active or Expired, as well as all of its lines, provided that they are in any status other than Canceled, and that the End Date field has a value. The renewed purchase contract is created with the same field values as the original purchase contract, with the following exceptions: - Purchase Contract header
SCMC__Status__c = Draft SCMC__Start_Date__c = Day after of the End Date field from the original purchase contract. SCMC__End_Date__c = New Start Date + days between Start Date and End Date fields from the original purchase contract. SCMC__Amount_On_Order__c = 0 SCMC__Amount_Received__c = 0 SCMC__Amount_Matched__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_On_Order__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_Received__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_Matched__c = 0 SCMC__Original_Purchase_Contract__c = The ID from which the renewed purchase contract is created. SCMC__Previous_Contract__c = null -
SCMC_Renewal_Reminder_c = If it is not empty, it will be: The End Date field from the renewed purchase contract minus the days between the original purchase contract's End Date field and the Renewal Reminder's date - Purchase Contract lines
SCMC__Status__c = Draft -
SCMC__Start_Date__c = If the Start Date field on the original purchase contract line is empty, it will be empty. If not, it will be: Start Date field from the renewed purchase contract's header + days between the Start Date field on the original purchase contract's header and the Start Date field from the original purchase contract line. -
SCMC__End_Date__c = If the End Date field on the original purchase contract line is empty, it will be empty. If not, it will be: New Start Date field for the purchase contract line + days between Start Date and End date fields from the original purchase contract line. SCMC__Amount_On_Order__c = 0 SCMC__Amount_Received__c = 0 SCMC__Amount_Matched__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_On_Order__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_Received__c = 0 SCMC__Quantity_Matched__c = 0 SCMC__Original_Contract_Line__c = The ID from which the renewed purchase contract line is created. SCMC__Previous_Contract_Line__c = null SCMC__Requisition_Line__c = null
Input Parameters
purchaseContractId |
Id |
The ID of the purchase contract to be renewed. |
Return Value
The ID of the renewed purchase contract.
global static Id renew(Id purchaseContractId, Date newStartDate, Date newEndDate)
Renews an existing purchase contract in a status of Active or Expired, as well as all of its lines, provided that they are in any status other than Canceled, and that the End Date field has a value. The renewed purchase contract is created with the same field values as the original purchase contract, with the following exceptions: - Purchase contract's header
SCMC_Status_c = Draft SCMC_Start_Date_c = The assigned value comes from the parameter newStartDate if the field is not empty, otherwise it will be: The End Date field from the renewed purchase contract's header + one day. SCMC_End_Date_c = The assigned value comes from the parameter newEndDate if the field is not empty, otherwise it will be: The calculated new Start Date field + the days between Start Date and End date fields from the original purchase contract line. SCMC_Amount_On_Order_c = 0 SCMC_Amount_Received_c = 0 SCMC_Amount_Matched_c = 0 SCMC_Quantity_On_Order_c = 0 SCMC_Quantity_Received_c = 0 SCMC_Quantity_Matched_c = 0 SCMC_Original_Purchase_Contract_c = The ID from which the renewed purchase contract is created. SCMC_Previous_Contract_c = null -
SCMC_Renewal_Reminder_c = If it is not empty, it will be: The End Date field from the renewed purchase contract minus the days between the original purchase contract's End Date field and the Renewal Reminder's date - Purchase contract's lines
SCMC_Status_c = Draft -
SCMC_Start_Date_c = If the Start Date field on the original purchase contract line is empty, it will be empty. If not, it will be: The new Start Date field from the renewed purchase contract's header + the days between the Start Date field on the original purchase contract's header and the Start Date field from the original purchase contract line. -
SCMC_End_Date_c = If the End Date field on the original purchase contract line is empty, it will be empty. If not, it will be: The new Start Date field for the purchase contract line + the days between the Start Date and End date fields from the original purchase contract line. SCMC_Amount_On_Order_c = 0 SCMC_Amount_Received_c = 0 SCMC_Amount_Matched_c = 0 SCMC_Quantity_On_Order_c = 0 SCMC_Quantity_Received_c = 0 SCMC_Quantity_Matched_c = 0 SCMC_Original_Contract_Line_c = The ID from which the renewed purchase contract line is created. SCMC_Previous_Contract_Line_c = null SCMC_Requisition_Line_c = null
Input Parameters
purchaseContractId |
Id |
The ID of the purchase contract to be renewed. |
newStartDate |
Date |
The start date to be assigned to the renewed purchase contract. |
newEndDate |
Date |
Then end date to be assigned to the renewed purchase contract. |
Return Value
The ID of the renewed purchase contract.
global inherited sharing class ApplyChangeRequestAnswer
This class is used as the object returned by the applyChangeRequest global service. This object contains a change request ID and the ID of the purchase contract it is applied to. If a change request ID is invalid and cannot be applied, an error message is returned instead of the purchase contract ID.
ChangeRequestId |
Id |
The ID of the applied change request.
OriginalContractId |
Id |
The ID of the purchase contract that the change request is applied to.
ErrorMessage |
String |
The error message returned if a problem occurs when the change request is being applied.
global inherited sharing class CreateChangeRequestsAnswer
This class is used as the object returned by the createChangeRequests global service. One object containing the ID of the created change request is returned for each generated record. If a change request is not created due to one or more errors, a list of error messages is returned.
ChangeRequestId |
Id |
The ID of the created change request.
ErrorMessagesList |
List<String> |
The list of error messages received if a problem occurs during the creation process.
global inherited sharing class DeleteChangeRequestLineAnswer
This class is used as the object returned by the deleteChangeRequestLine global service. This object contains the ID of the change request that the deleted line belongs to and the result of the line deletion process. If a line cannot be deleted because its ID is invalid, an error message is returned instead of the line status.
PurchaseContractId |
Id |
The ID of the change request that the deleted line belongs to.
Result |
scmc.PurchaseContractsService.DeleteChangeRequestLineAnswerResultType |
The result of the line deletion process. A value of "Deleted" indicates the line has been deleted. A value of "Expired" indicates the line has been expired.
Errors |
List<String> |
The list of error messages received if a problem occurs during the line deletion process.