Order and Inventory Management Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class ShippingConfirm

This class is used to confirm shipments.



global static void confirm(String shippingType, List<scmc__Inventory_Action_Queue__c> iaqList)

Confirms shipments based on a list of inventory action queue records.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
shippingType String The type of shipment to confirm. Valid values are "Customer", "Transfer", and "Supplier".
iaqList List<scmc__Inventory_Action_Queue__c> A list of inventory action queue records. These records should all be of the same action - either "Ship Material to Customer", "Ship Material to Supplier", or "Transfer Material to a Different Warehouse" and correspond to the shippingType parameter.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
ShippingException If there is an error during confirmation. Additional error information can be found in the Error Log.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global static void confirm(String shippingType, List<ID> shipIds)

Confirms shipments based on a list of shipment IDs.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
shippingType String The type of shipment to confirm. Valid values are 'Customer', 'Transfer', and 'Supplier'.
shipIds List<ID> A list of shipment IDs.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
ShippingException If there is an error during confirmation or if the specified shipments are not valid for confirmation. Additional error information can be found in the error log.

Return Value

Does not return a value.

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