Account | SF Objects |
Assignment | Assignment and Milestone, Budget Allocation, Experiences, Projects, Schedule and Rate Card, Timecards |
Assignment Daily Note | Assignment and Milestone |
Assignment Milestone | Assignment and Milestone |
Assignment Project Methodology | Projects |
Assignment Project Phase | Projects |
Assignment Settings | Timecard and Assignment Settings |
Backlog | Backlog |
Backlog Calculation | Backlog |
Backlog Detail | Backlog |
Backlog Detail Converted | Backlog |
Billing Event | Billing Events |
Billing Event Batch | Billing Events |
Billing Event Calculation | Billing Events |
Billing Event Item | Billing Event Items, Billing Events |
Billing Forecast Batch Settings | Enhanced Forecasting Setup |
Billing Forecast Calculation | Enhanced Services Forecasting |
Billing Forecast Calculation Log | Enhanced Services Forecasting |
Billing Forecast Curve | Enhanced Forecasting Setup |
Billing Forecast Curve Detail | Enhanced Forecasting Setup |
Billing Forecast Detail | Enhanced Services Forecasting |
Billing Forecast Detail Category | Enhanced Services Forecasting |
Billing Forecast Override | Enhanced Services Forecasting |
Billing Forecast Setup | Enhanced Forecasting Setup |
Billing Forecast Setup Category | Enhanced Forecasting Setup |
Billing Forecast Summary | Enhanced Services Forecasting |
Billing Forecast Summary Category | Enhanced Services Forecasting |
Budget | Billing Event Items, Budget Allocation, Budgets |
Budget Allocation | Assignment and Milestone, Budget Allocation, Budgets, Expenses, Timecards |
Budget Header | Budgets |
Candidate | Resource Requests |
Contact | Calendar Events, Expenses, Experiences, Resource (Contact), Resource Requests, Shortlists, Skills, Timecard API, Utilization |
Cost Forecast | Services Forecasting |
Cost Forecast Staging | Services Forecasting |
Cost Forecast Type | Services Forecasting |
Create Billing Documents Batch | Billing Batch, Billing Batch |
Create Billing Documents Batch Log | Billing Batch |
Create Billing Documents Batch Settings | Billing Batch |
Est Vs Actuals | Timecards |
Est Vs Actuals Settings | Timecard and Assignment Settings |
Expense | Billing Event Items, Budget Allocation, Expenses |
Expense Limit / Rate | Expenses |
Expense Report | Expenses |
Experience | Experiences |
Experience Skill | Experiences |
Filter Set | Planner Filters |
Group | Groups, Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning |
Group Actuals | Groups |
Group Plan | Groups |
Holiday | Time and Calendar |
Hours to Days Rule | Time and Calendar |
Issue | Risks and Issues |
Milestone | Assignment and Milestone, Billing Event Items, Budget Allocation, Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning, Services Forecasting |
Miscellaneous Adjustment | Billing Event Items, Budget Allocation |
Missing Timecard | Timecards |
Missing Timecards | Timecard and Assignment Settings |
Opportunity | Budgets, Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning, SF Objects, Services Forecasting |
OpportunityLineItem | SF Objects |
Permission Control | Permission Controls |
Practice | Practices, Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning |
Practice Actuals | Practices |
Practice Plan | Practices |
Product2 | SF Objects |
Project | Assignment and Milestone, Projects, Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning, Risks and Issues, Services Forecasting, Timecards |
Project Actuals | Projects |
Project Location | Projects |
Project Methodology | Projects |
Project Phase | Projects |
Project Source | Projects |
Project Task | Project Tasks |
Project Task Assignment | Experiences, Project Tasks |
Project Task Dependency | Project Tasks |
Project Task Points Complete History | Project Tasks |
Project Task Points History | Project Tasks |
Rate Card | Schedule and Rate Card |
Rate Card Set | Schedule and Rate Card |
Rate Card Set Junction | Schedule and Rate Card |
Region | Regions, Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning |
Region Plan | Regions |
Regional Actuals | Regions |
Resource Actuals | Resource Actuals |
Resource Change | Resource (Contact) |
Resource Request | Resource Requests |
Resource Request Milestone Junction | Resource Requests |
Resource Request Set | Resource Requests |
Resource Skill Request | Resource Requests |
Resource Transmission | Timecard API |
Revenue Forecast | Services Forecasting |
Revenue Forecast Batch | Services Forecasting |
Revenue Forecast Batch Lock | Services Forecasting |
Revenue Forecast Batch Log | Services Forecasting |
Revenue Forecast Batch Status | Services Forecasting |
Revenue Forecast Setup | Services Forecasting |
Revenue Forecast Staging | Services Forecasting |
Revenue Forecast Type | Services Forecasting |
Revenue Forecast Version | Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning |
Revenue Forecast Version Adjustment | Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning |
Revenue Forecast Version Batch Log | Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning |
Revenue Forecast Version Detail | Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning |
Risk | Risks and Issues |
Schedule | Schedule and Rate Card |
Schedule Exception | Schedule and Rate Card |
Shortlist | Shortlists |
Shortlist Resource | Shortlists |
Skill Set | Skills |
Skill Set Skill | Skills |
Skill or Certification | Experiences, Resource Requests, Skills |
Skill or Certification Rating | Skills |
Skill or Certification Zone | Skills |
Task Time | Project Tasks |
Team | Teams |
Team Membership | Teams |
Team Schedule | Teams |
Team Schedule Slot | Teams |
Team Schedule Slot Type | Teams |
Team Schedule Template | Teams |
Team Schedule Template Slot | Teams |
Time Date | Timecards |
Time Period | Groups, Practices, Regions, Revenue Recognition Forecast Versioning, Services Forecasting, Time and Calendar, Utilization |
Time Variance | Time Variance |
Time Variance Calculation | Time Variance |
Time Variance Settings | Time Variance |
Timecard | Timecards |
Timecard Approval UI | Timecard and Assignment Settings |
Timecard Entry UI Global | Timecard and Assignment Settings |
Timecard Entry UI Personal | Timecard and Assignment Settings |
Timecard Split | Billing Event Items, Budget Allocation, Timecards |
Timecard Transmission | Timecard API |
Timer Session | Timer |
Timer Session Event | Timer |
Timer Settings | Timer |
Transaction | Transactions |
Transaction Delta | Transactions |
Utilization | Utilization |
Utilization Calculation | Utilization |
Utilization Detail | Utilization |
Utilization Engine | Utilization |
Utilization Result | Utilization Analytics |
Utilization Run | Utilization Analytics |
Utilization Run Batch | Utilization Analytics |
Utilization Setup | Utilization Analytics |
Utilization Summary | Utilization |
Vendor Invoice | Vendor Invoices |
Vendor Invoice Item | Vendor Invoices |
Version | Project Versions |
Version Config | Project Versions |
Version Item Assignment | Project Versions |
Version Item Budget | Project Versions |
Version Item Estimates Vs Actuals | Project Versions |
Version Item Issue | Project Versions |
Version Item Milestone | Project Versions |
Version Item Phase | Project Versions |
Version Item Project Detail | Project Versions |
Version Item Resource Request | Project Versions |
Version Item Risk | Project Versions |
Version Item Task | Project Versions |
Work Calendar | Time and Calendar |
Work Event | Calendar Events |
Work Event Invite | Calendar Events |