Service Contract Fields

The service contract overview appears if your administrator has added the ContractHighlightPanel and ContractAreaChart Visualforce pages to your Service Contract page layouts.

Service contract overview.

Here is a description of the fields on a Service Contract.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only ; M – Mandatory when the contract is not a flexible term contract; S – only exists if SCM Service Contracts is installed on your organization.

Field   Description
Annual Contract Value   The Annual Contract Value on customer quotations and service contracts is now the monthly recurring revenue over twelve months.
Billed Through   Date up to which the customer has been billed for the contract. The date is determined by the date of the last invoice after the billing engine runs.
Billing Error Message   Contains errors that the billing engine detects when billing the service contract.
Billing Status   Indicates the billing status for the entire contract. The billing status can be one of the following:
  • Ex Partially billed
  • Open
  • Completely Billed
  • Prepaid
Contract Gross Profit   The gross profit of the contract based on the number of terms to be billed.
Contract Gross Profit   Total value of the contract from the service contract lines and change requests minus the Total Contract Cost.
Currency   Currency of the service contract.
Customer Account Sold To   Salesforce customer account to which the contract has been sold.
Customer Purchase Order   Reference to the customer purchase order received from the customer
Effect of Change Requests   The amount by which the total contract value will change if all open change requests are applied to the contract.
Invoice Date Option   Method by which the date on the invoice is set. You can choose from:
  • Start of Next Month
  • Start of Current Month
  • End of Current Month
  • Date Invoice Created.
Last Invoice Date   Last date on which an invoice was sent to the customer for this service contract.
Monthly Recurring Revenue   The monthly recurring revenue for a standard or flex term contract. This is calculated by totaling the RC Ext. After discount field on each service contract line.
New Price Type   The new Price Type applied to the service contract. The price type on the customer account is applied if one is set. During pricing this restricts prices that are available to a customer depending on their type and the prices available for the product or service being sold.
Next Invoice Date   Next date on which an invoice is to be sent to the customer for this service contract. If the Next Invoice Date field on a flexible term service contract line contains a date, this is the date that is used to determine whether the line appears on an invoice when the billing engine runs. If the Next Invoice Date field on a flexible term service contract line is empty when the billing engine runs, the service contract line start date is used to determine whether that line appears on an invoice. Every time the billing engine is run it will update the next invoice date.
Original Contract Value   Original value of the contract before any changes were incorporated.
Override Bill to Account   Account to be billed when the Customer Account is not to be billed for this service contract.
Override Bill to Account Address   Customer Address associated with the Override Bill to Account to be used as the billing address instead of the default.
Override Bill to Address   By default, the Bill To address is set from the customer account to which the service contract relates. Enables you to select an alternative bill to address associated with the account to which the service contract relates.
Override Ship to Address   By default, the Ship To address is set from the customer account to which the service contract relates. Enables you to select an alternative ship to address associated with the account to which the service contract relates.
Perpetual Contract S Indicates whether a standard contract continually renews until you cancel it. When selected, there is no contract end date. Flexible contracts cannot be created with the Perpetual Contract checkbox selected.
Price Type   Price Type applied to the service contract. The price type on the customer account is applied if one is set. During pricing this restricts prices that are available to a customer depending on their type and the prices available for the product or service being sold.
Remaining Contract Term   The amount of time remaining on the contract.
Remaining Contract Value S The portion of Total Contract Value, which is yet to be billed
Remaining Terms to be Billed   Terms that are yet to be billed. This is used to calculate the remaining contract value.
Revision   The revision number of the service contract. Once a service contract is approved and activated, you cannot change it without creating a change request. When a change request is approved and applied to the service contract, the revision increases by one.
Service Contract End Date   Date on which the service contract ends.
Service Contract First Bill Date   First billing date of the contract.
Service Contract Name   Name of the service contract.
Service Contract Start Date   Date on which the service contract is to start.
Service Term Number M Number of service terms that define the length of the contract when it is not a flexible term service contract.
Service Term Record M Service term record that defines the length of one service term of the contract in days or months when the service contract is not a flexible term service contract.
Status   Status of the contract. Indicates whether the contract is:
  • New
  • Active
  • Active/Pending Change Request
  • Approved
  • Approved/Pending Change Request
  • Cancelled
  • Rejected
  • Expired
  • Submitted for Approval
  • Suspended
  • Suspended/Pending Change Request

When the end of a standard service contract is reached, its status now changes to Expired when the billing engine runs for the last term.

The fields and options available may differ depending on the status of the service contract and the profile to which you have been assigned.

Sync Header Terms to Lines M Indicates whether the terms on service contract lines are to be synchronized with the service contract lines and options. This must be selected when the contract is not a flexible term service contract. The value of this field is automatically set when you create a service contract from a customer quotation.
Terms to be Billed   Terms to be billed. For example, if the contract is for 12 months and the Service Contract Start Date is September 1st and the Service Contract First Bill date is November 1st, the number of terms to be billed will be 10.
Total Additional Charges   The total amount of additional charges added to the contract during its lifetime.
Total Contract Cost   Total cost of the contract.
Total Contract Terms   Total length of the contract.
Total Contract Value S Total value of the contract from the service contract lines and change requests.
Total Contract Value After Waived Terms   Total Contract Value minus Waived Term Fees.
Total Contract Value with all Changes   Total Contract Value after all change requests are incorporated into the service contract.
Total Invoiced   Portion of the Total Contract Value which has been billed.
Total Prorated Amount Billed To Date   Total prorated amount billed for Contract.
Waived Term Fees   Total amount of waived contract fees.
Warehouse   Enables you to specify a ship from address for taxation purposes.

The warehouse field on service contracts and service contract lines is not used to ship anything, it is for taxation purposes only.

Recurring Fees

Here is a description of the fields associated with Recurring Fees on a service contract.

Field   Description
Total RCClosed Recurring Contract Options   Fees for recurring options.
Total RC Base   Recurring fees without options rolled-up from the service contract lines.
Total RC Discounted %   Total percentage recurring discount applied from all the service contract lines.
Total RC Fees   Total RC Base plus Total RC Options.
Total RC Discounted   Total recurring discount rolled-up from the service contract lines.
Total RC Fees After Discounts   Total recurring fees minus Total RC Discounted.

Non Recurring Fees

Here is a description of the fields associated with non recurring fees on a service contract.

Field   Description
Total NRCClosed Non Recurring Contract Discounted   Total non recurring discount rolled-up from the service contract lines.
Total NRC Discounted %   Total percentage non recurring discount applied from all the service contract lines.
Total NRC Fees   Total NRC Materials plus Total NRC Time plus Total NRC Options.
Total NRC Fees After Discounts   Total NRC Fees minus Total RC Discounted.
Total NRC Invoice   Total NRC Fees that have been invoiced.
Total NRC Materials   Total non recurring time cost from service contract lines for items of type Materials.
Total NRC Not Invoiced   Total non recurring costs from the service contract lines which are yet to be invoiced.
Total NRC Options   Total non recurring costs from item options chosen on service contract lines.
Total NRC Time   Total non recurring time cost from service contract lines for items of type Time.

Original Fees and Costs

Fields that contain original in their name contain information that was fixed at the time the service contract was approved. The information in these fields remains unchanged regardless of any change requests that are applied to the service contract.


The Original Service Term Cost field has been replaced with the Original Total RC Cost field.


These buttons are only available if SCM Service Contracts is installed.

Button Description
Activate Service Contract Activates the service contract. Once activated, you can only change a service contract be creating a change request and applying it to the service contract.
Cancel Service Contract Cancels the service contract.
Create Change Request Creates a change request for an approved or activated contract. This is the only way in which you can change an activated change request.
Create Manual PO Creates a purchase order from an approved service contract and displays a page where you can select the suppliers you want for your items before creating the purchase order.
Create PO Creates a purchase order from an approved service contract and selects the suppliers automatically.
Suspend Service Contract Suspends the service contract.
Reactivate Service Contract Reactivates a suspended service contract.
Submit for Approval Submits the service contract for approval.
Price Prices the service contract based on the Price Type that you select. The price comes from the price lists that have been set up for the items in the service contract.
Launch Billing Engine Launches the billing engine to invoice customers for terms of active service contracts that are due to be billed. This button is located on the Service Contracts list view.