Upgrading to Accounting Summer 2023

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Summer 2023.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in This Feature section under each feature for details of items such as objects, fields, or buttons that have been added in this release.


Where new objects, fields, or buttons have been added for a feature, we recommend that you add them to any relevant page layouts, profiles, and permission sets. For information on how to do this, see the Salesforce Help.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Summer 2023, see New Features and Enhancements in Accounting Summer 2023.

FinancialForce is Now Certinia

We have made the following changes to align with our new Certinia brand:

  • The publisher name has been updated to Certinia
  • Package names no longer reference FinancialForce
  • In most cases, text referring to FinancialForce has been replaced with Certinia

For more information about these updates and related text changes, see the Package Name Updates article in the Certinia Community and the Technical Documentation Pack.

To learn more about our rebrand, visit the Certinia Community for a message from our CEO, Scott Brown.


Major versions include updates to both package and publisher names. In service packs, only the package name has changed. Some elements, such as theming and logos, have not been updated and other references to FinancialForce might remain visible in your org.

Mandatory Steps to Upgrade Payments Plus

If you have previously set up this feature in your org, complete the mandatory upgrade by enabling the Vendor Payment Customizations feature in the Feature Console. For more information, see Enabling the Vendor Payments Customizations Feature.

Vendor Payment Lightning Experience

Payments Lightning Experience has been renamed to Vendor Payment Lightning Experience in Summer 2023.

Vendor Payment Lightning Page

Note: As Vendor Payment forLightning Experience is implemented over subsequent releases, we recommend you to use Payment Plus for all your payment activities in Accounting. For more information see, Overview of Payments Plus.

Upgrade Steps

To start using the new Lightning record pages in Summer 2023, take the following action.


Further Information

Perform the following for Lightning Page and In-App Assignment in the Feature Console:

  • Assign Payments Lightning record pages as org defaults.
  • Update Payment Detail Template Page Layout.
  • Add Filters to the Payment Template.

Assigning Lightning Record Pages and In-App Guidance

Perform the following for Accounting Payments Plus in the Feature Console:

  • Add new values to the payment status picklist.
  • Add new payment method to payment template.

Assign the Detail Layout page layout to the users of the new record pages.

For more information about assigning page layouts, see the Salesforce Help.

Review the relevant field sets for the Vendor Payment object and update them if required.

Included in This Feature

Lightning Record Pages
Lightning Record Pages Updated in Summer 2023




Further Information

Vendor Payment Lightning

Vendor Payment

It enables users to:

  • Create a proposal.
  • Edit a Proposal.
  • Delete accounts from proposal.
  • Cancel payment.
  • Prepare Electronics for payment.
  • Post and Match payments.
  • Make partial payments out of the outstanding value for a payment. 
  • Discard payments.
  • Send remittances through email.
  • Print remittances.
  • Calculate discounts for payment. 

Vendor Payment Fields Lightning Experience

Payment Details Template

It enables users to edit Payment Details template filters.

Payment Details Template Fields Lightning

Fields Added in Summer 2023



Further Information


Vendor Payment

About Discount Calculations in Vendor Payment Lightning

Vendor Payment Fields Lightning Experience

Local Clearing System

Vendor Payment Fields Lightning Experience

Payment Destination

Accounts Payable Control GLA

Vendor Payment | Add Payment Lines window.

Filtering Transactions for Proposals

Document Number

Due Date (From)

Due Date (To)

Vendor Document Number

Vendor Name

Vendor Payment Method

Buttons Added in Summer 2023



Further Information


Vendor Payment



Email Remittances

Vendor Payment Fields Lightning Experience

Pay Now


Post & Match

Prepare Electronic

Print Remittances



Vendor Payment | Add Payment Lines window | Filter buttons.

Vendor Payment Fields Lightning Experience



Period Close Templates and Schedules

Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps
Action Further Information
If you are upgrading to Summer 2023, remove the New button from the Period Close Schedules list view manually, using the Object Manager. Scheduling Period Close Templates

Included in This Feature

Lightning Actions
Lightning Actions Added in Summer 2023

Lightning Action


Further Information

View or Set Public Holidays Period Close Template Lightning record page Period Close Template Fields

Year End Process

Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


Further Information

If you want to create year end journals by document currency, select the Enable Year End by Document Currency custom setting field in Accounting Settings.

Enable Year End by Document Currency

Included in This Feature

Custom Setting Fields

Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023


Custom Setting

Further Information

Enable Year End by Document Currency

Accounting Settings

Enable Year End by Document Currency

Mass Actions

Upgrade Steps

If you are upgrading to Summer 2023, we recommend editing the document list views to remove the deprecated list buttons and add the new ones.

Upgrade Steps for Summer 2023
Object Deprecated List Button New List Button
Payable Invoice

DEPRECATED: Background Post

Run Background Post

DEPRECATED: Calculate Tax

Calculate Tax

DEPRECATED: Place on Hold

Place on Hold



DEPRECATED: Release for Payment Release for Payment

Payable Credit Note


Sales Credit Note

DEPRECATED: Background Post

Run Background Post

DEPRECATED: Calculate Tax

Calculate Tax

Sales Invoice

DEPRECATED: Background Post

Run Background Post

DEPRECATED: Calculate Tax Calculate Tax

DEPRECATED: Place on Hold

Place on Hold


DEPRECATED: Release for Collection

Release for Collection

Included in this Feature

Custom Setting Fields
Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting Field

Custom Setting

Further Information

PCR Duplication Scope Size Mass Actions Mass Actions Settings
PIN Duplication Scope Size
SCR Duplication Scope Size
SIN Duplication Scope Size
Custom Setting Fields Renamed in Summer 2023

Custom Setting

Old Field Name

New Field Name

Further Information

Mass Actions

Duplicate Journal Process - Scope Size

Journal Duplication Scope Size Mass Actions Settings
Duplicate Journal Process - Parallel Run Parallel Document Duplication

Updated Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Summer 2023

Permission Set

Further Information

  • Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Amend

  • Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Discard
  • Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Edit
  • Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Post and Match
  • Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Read Access
  • Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Save
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Amend
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Convert to Payable Credit Note
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Discard
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Edit
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Hold or Release Payment
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Post
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Read Access
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Save
  • Accounting - Payable Invoice - Template
  • Accounting and Billing - Background Posting - List View
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Amend
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Discard
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Edit
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Post
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Post and Match
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Print
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Read Access
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Save
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Convert to Credit Note
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Edit
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Post
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Print
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Read Access
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Save
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Amend
  • Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Discard
  • Accounting and Billing - Tax Code - Calculate Tax for Accounts Payable
  • Accounting and Billing - Tax Code - Calculate Tax for Accounts Receivable

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Field Sets

Field Sets Added in Summer 2023
Object Field Set

Further Information

Payable Credit Note

Mass Actions Payable Credit Note Field Sets

Payable Invoice

Payable Invoice Field Sets

Sales Credit Note

Sales Credit Note Field Sets
Sales Invoice Sales Invoice Field Sets
Lightning Actions
Lightning Actions Added in Summer 2023



Further Information

Payable Invoice Amend Payable Invoice Fields
Calculate Tax
Place on Hold
Release for Payment
Run Background Post

Payable Credit Note

Sales Credit Note


Payable Credit Note Fields

Sales Credit Note Fields


Calculate Tax
Run Background Post
Sales Invoice Amend Sales Invoice Fields
Calculate Tax
Place on Hold
Release for Collection
Run Background Post

Cash Matching

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Included in This Feature


Buttons Added in Summer 2023
Button Page

Further Information


Filters panel on the Matched Transactions grid

Cash Matching Fields

Cash Entries

Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


Further Information

If you are upgrading to Summer 2023 release, add the Duplicate list button manually on the Cash Entries list view.

Viewing Cash Entry Lists


Cash Entry Fields

Assign the Accounting - Cash Entry - Save permission set to the users who will use the new Duplicate button.

Assigning and Removing Permission Sets

To view the Bank Account Dimension 1-4 and Bank Charges GLA Dimension 1-4 fields in the Amend Details window on the Cash Entry page, select the Enable Edit Dimensions (after posting) custom setting field in Accounting Settings. Enable Edit Dimensions (after posting)

Included in This Feature

Custom Setting Fields
Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting Field

Custom Setting

Further Information

Cash Entry Duplication Scope Size Mass Action Settings Mass Actions Settings

Lightning Actions

Lightning Actions Added in Summer 2023

Lightning Action


Further Information

Background Cancel Cash Entry Cash Entry Lightning record page  

Cash Entry Fields


Cash Entries list view
Duplicate Cash Entry Lightning record page

Updated Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Summer 2023

Permission Set

Further Information

Accounting - Cash Entry - Save

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Field Sets

Field Sets Added in Summer 2023
Field Set

Further Information

Cash Entry Mass Action Columns

Cash Entry Field Sets

Advanced Account Lookup

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Included in This Feature

Field Sets
Field Sets Added in Summer 2023
Field Set Object

Further Information

Select Account Lookup Columns


Account Field Sets

Sales Invoices

Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


Further Information

If you are upgrading to Summer 2023, add the Income Schedule field manually to the Sales Invoice Line Item field sets.

Sales Invoice Line Item Field Sets

Included in This Feature

Updated Field Sets

Field Sets Updated in Summer 2023

Field Set

Added Field

Further Information

Manage Lines (Combined Text)

Income Schedule

Sales Invoice Line Item Field Sets

Manage Lines (SUT)
Manage Lines (VAT/GST)


Buttons Added in Summer 2023



Further Information

Edit Income Schedule

In progress Sales Invoice

Edit Income Schedule


View Income Schedule Completed Sales Invoice View Income Schedule

Payable Invoices

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Included in This Feature

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Summer 2023

Permission Set

Further Information

Accounting - Payable Invoice - Save

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Lightning Actions

Lightning Actions Added in Summer 2023
Lightning Action Page Layout Further Information
Create Payable Invoice Scanned Payable Document Lightning Page Scanned Payable Document Fields

Local GLAs for Intercompany Transactions

Upgrade Steps

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Included in This Feature


Fields Added in Summer 2023



Further Information

Intercompany Transfer Line Item Local GLA Intercompany Transfer Fields


Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps


Further Information

[Optional] If you are using the Journal Summarization feature in Fixed Asset Management, we recommend adding the following fields to your page layouts of the Accounting Company object:

  • Acquisition Journal Summarization
  • Depreciation Journal Summarization
  • Disposal Journal Summarization
Accounting Company Fields

Included in This Feature


Fields Added in Summer 2023
Object Field Further Information
Accounting Company

Acquisition Journal Summarization

Accounting Company Fields

Depreciation Journal Summarization

Disposal Journal Summarization
Journal Hash Code Journal Fields

Accounting Playbooks

Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps
Action Further Information
Assign the Accounting - Playbook permission set to the playbook owners and the Accounting - Playbook - Edit Task permission set to the assignees of the playbook tasks. Assigning and Removing Permission Sets
[Optional] Activate the Period End Playbook Template Creation prompt to enable users to generate sample period end playbook templates.

Managing Certinia In-App Guidance


Sample Period End Playbook Templates

Included in This Feature

Lightning Record Pages
Lightning Record Pages Added in Summer 2023




Further Information

Accounting Playbook Record Page Accounting Playbook View or customize accounting playbooks. Accounting Playbook Fields
Accounting Playbook Task Record Page Accounting Playbook Task

View or customize accounting playbook tasks.

Accounting Playbook Task Fields
Accounting Playbook Task Template Record Page Accounting Playbook Task Template View or customize accounting playbook task templates. Accounting Playbook Task Template Fields
Accounting Playbook Template Record Page Accounting Playbook Template View or customize accounting playbook templates. Accounting Playbook Template Fields

Custom Objects

Custom Objects Added in Summer 2023
Object Description Further Information
Accounting Playbook Stores all the accounting playbooks that are used to manage the related accounting activities in one place. Accounting Playbook Fields
Accounting Playbook Task Stores all the tasks related to their specific accounting playbook. Accounting Playbook Task Fields
Accounting Playbook Task Template Stores all the accounting playbook task templates. Accounting Playbook Task Template Fields
Accounting Playbook Template Stores all the accounting playbook templates. Accounting Playbook Template Fields
Fields Added in Summer 2023



Further Information

Accounting Playbook Company Accounting Playbook Fields
Due Date
Period End Date
Playbook Owner
Accounting Playbook Task Accounting Playbook Accounting Playbook Task Fields
App Location 1-5
Due Date
Note 1 - 5
Playbook Owner
Report Location 1 - 10
Accounting Playbook Task Template Accounting Playbook Template Accounting Playbook Task Template Fields
App Location 1-5
Calculate Due Date
Note 1-5
Report Location 1-10
Accounting Playbook Template Calculate Due Date Accounting Playbook Template Fields
Calculate Start Date
Playbook Owner

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Added in Summer 2023

Permission Set


Further Information

Accounting - Playbook Create, edit, read, and delete accounting playbooks, tasks, templates, template tasks, and generate playbooks or tasks from their templates. Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation
Accounting - Playbook - Edit Task Edit and read all accounting playbook tasks and only read all accounting playbooks, templates, and task templates.

Collections Plus

Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023 take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Summer 2023
Action Further Information

Update the following page layouts, using Feature Console:

  • Reminder Log Layout
  • Reminder Rule Layout
  • Reminder Layout
Setting up Collections Plus

Included in This Feature

Custom Objects

Custom Objects Added in Summer 2023
Object Description Further Information
Reminder Contact Details Log. Stores details of the contact email addresses that reminders were sent to, and any associated error message details. Reminder Log Fields


Fields Added in Summer 2023



Further Information

Reminder Log Additional Email Addresses Reminder Log Fields
Reminder Rule Maximum Invoice Age For Reminders (Days) Reminder Rule Fields
Reminder Error Description Reminders Fields

Custom Settings

Custom Setting Fields Added in Summer 2023

Custom Setting Field

Custom Setting

Further Information

Detailed Reminders Batch Process Logs Collections Plus Settings Collections Plus Settings
Reminders Batch Scope Size

Tax Reporting

Upgrade Steps

No steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Deprecated Objects

Objects Deprecated in Accounting
Object Name Deprecated Object API Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By New Object API Name Further Information
Business Activity Statement c2g__BusinessActivityStatement__c Summer 2023 Summer 2024 or later Business Activity Statement


New Features and Enhancements in Tax Reporting Summer 2023

Avalara VAT Reporting Mappings for Intrastat

Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps
Step Action Further Information
1 Configure the AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes flow. Upgrading to Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector Summer 2023

[Optional] For your existing payable credit notes, transfer the value in the existing unmanaged AP Voucher Credit lookup field to the new AP Voucher Credit lookup field included in Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector. You can use Datastream for this.

3 [Optional] Link the relevant payable credit note line items and payable credit note expense line items to the corresponding AP voucher credit lines using the new AP Voucher Line Credit field.

Payable Credit Note Fields


[Optional] Remove the following unmanaged fields:

  • AP Voucher Credit from the Payable Credit Note object
  • AP Voucher Line from the Payable Credit Note Line Item object
  • AP Voucher Line from the Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item object
See the Salesforce Help.

Disable your custom Avalara VAT Reporting Integration metadata type record.

About the Avalara VAT Reporting Mappings

If you only customized Intrastat mappings for AP voucher credits, enable default managed metadata type record.

Otherwise, clone the managed record, recreate your custom mappings, and enable the new record.


Verify that the mappings are correct. To do so:

  1. Disable the Avalara VAT Reporting IntegrationFeature Console feature with the Status slider in the Feature section.
  2. Click Revert for step 3.
  3. Click Perform for step 3.
  4. Enable the feature with the Status slider in the Feature section.
Enabling the Avalara VAT Reporting Integration

Bank Integrations

New Lightning Quick Action on Salesforce Pages

Upgrade Steps

To start using this feature in Summer 2023, take the following action.

 Upgrade Steps for Summer 2023


Further Information

Enable the Lightning Quick Actions on SF Pages feature in the Feature Console.

Enabling the Lightning Quick Actions on SF Pages Feature

Included in This Feature

Lightning Actions
Lightning Actions Added in Summer 2023


Page Layout

Further Information

Import Statements Bank Account Detail Layout Bank Account Fields

Electronic Invoicing

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Summer 2023.

Included in This Feature

Field Mappings
Field Mappings added for this Feature in Summer 2023
Mapping ElectronicInvoicingService.Document Storecove InvoiceSubmission Further Information
  • E-Invoice to Payable Credit Note
  • E-Invoice to Payable Invoice
  • Sales Credit Note to E-Invoice
  • Sales Invoice to E-Invoice
PaymentMeans.Account payment_means_array.account
PaymentMeans.BranchCode payment_means_array.branch_code
PaymentMeans.Code payment_means_array.type
PaymentMeans.Holder payment_means_array.holder
PaymentMeans.Mandate payment_means_array.mandate
PaymentMeans.Network payment_means_array.network
PaymentMeans.PaymentId payment_means_array.payment_id

Deprecated Elements

Deprecated Visualforce Actions

In this release we have deprecated the following Visualforce list view actions.

Visualforce Actions Deprecated in Summer 2023



Replaced By

Payable Invoice Background Post

For more information, see

Deprecated Elements.

Calculate Tax
Place on Hold
Release for Payment
Payable Credit Note Background Post
Calculate Tax
Sales Invoice Background Post
Calculate Tax
Place on Hold
Release for Collection
Sales Credit Note Background Post
Calculate Tax

Deprecated Visualforce Pages

In this release we have deprecated the following Visualforce pages.

Visualforce Pages Deprecated in Summer 2023



Replaced By

Payable Invoice Background Post

For more information, see

Deprecated Elements.

Calculate Tax
Place on Hold
Release for Payment
Payable Credit Note Background Post
Calculate Tax
Sales Invoice Background Post
Calculate Tax
Place on Hold
Release for Collection
Sales Credit Note Background Post
Calculate Tax

Release Content

Upgrade Steps

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to In-App Guidance Summer 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.