Upgrading the Business Analytics App

The upgrade process for Business Analytics apps overwrites your current app and replaces it with a new version. This process deletes any customizations you've made such as adding new fields or objects to the dataflow, modifying dashboards, and customizing colors and labels.

All customizations in cloned dashboards and lenses are preserved. Follow these steps only if you have not made any customizations to your app, or if you have previously followed our recommended approach to customize Business Analytics as detailed in Customizing Business Analytics Assets.

Perform the following steps to upgrade your Business Analytics app:

  1. Click New version available in your app's home page. This opens the upgrade app page, which displays a list of changes caused by the upgrade.
  2. Click Upgrade current app to open the confirmation dialog page.
  3. Select the confirmation checkbox, then click Upgrade app. This will launch the configuration wizard. The configuration wizard remembers the settings you selected when you created the app. You can keep or change these settings before continuing with the upgrade.
  4. Click Upgrade current app to finish the process. You can click Back if you want to go back to the configuration wizard to change your settings selection. If you want to cancel the upgrade process, click X in the upgrade app page.

The customizations you made in cloned dashboards and lenses will be preserved.