
You can use self-assignment to assign yourself to a projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. if your administrator has given you the privileges to do so. Depending on the options that your administrator has set, this could be for time spent in activities not directly related to a project, such as jury duty or other personal time.

Note: To be eligible for self-assignment the project must be active and have the Allow Self-Staffing checkbox selected.

Your administrator must add the Cost Rate Amount field to the Self Assignment UI Assignment Fields field set and assign the FLS permission so that it is displayed on the Self-Assignment page. Depending on how the self-assignment-default-cost-rate configuration option is set:

  • If the configuration option is true and FLS permission is provided, the Cost Rate Amount field is displayed in read-only mode and gets automatically populated with the default cost rate value. In this case if the FLS permission is not assigned, the Cost Rate Amount field is not displayed.
  • If the configuration option is false and FLS permission is provided, the Cost Rate Amount field is visible in edit mode and you can enter the cost rate amount. In this case, if the FLS permission is not assigned, an error is thrown and self assignment could not be done.

For more information, see

To assign yourself to a project:

  1. Click the Self-Assignment link on one of the following:
    1. Actions | Assignments | Self-Assignment on the Project record page.
    2. Schedules section of the Time Entry page.
  2. Complete the following fields in the Assignment Information section:
    1. Enter an effective start and end date for the assignment.
    2. Enter nickname and assignment name for the assignment.
  3. Enter the hours per day to schedule for the assignment in the Schedule Pattern section.
  4. Click Assign.