Cascade Deleting a Category


To create categories, see Creating Categories, Skills, and Certifications.

You can cascade delete a parent category and its ratings, and also all of its descendants including skills, certifications, ratings, and child categories. We recommend you do not cascade too many records in a single delete.


You cannot use the Cascade Delete feature to delete a skill or a certification.

Use the standard Salesforce Delete feature to remove single categories, skills and certifications.

Using standard Salesforce Delete, a record is completely removed from a skills hierarchy when you delete it. If the removed record is a parent, the direct child category and any children are also removed from the skills hierarchy but not deleted. The direct child record is promoted to a root parent in a new skills hierarchy along with its children.

To cascade delete a category and its descendant records:

  1. Navigate to the applicable skills and certifications record page.
  2. In the Quick Actions menu, click Cascade Delete.
  3. In the Cascade Delete window, click Delete to confirm and return to the Skills and Certifications list view. The selected category is removed from the skills hierarchy with all of its descendants and associated skill ratings.