Task Time Field Sets

You can use the field sets on the Task Time object to determine which editable and read-only fields display on the Time Entry page when entering time against project tasks. Here are the field sets contained within the Task Time object.

Field Set Description Used on Page Default Fields
Task Time Editable Columns Defines the editable columns that appear in the Tasks tab when entering time against tasks. Time Entry Project Task > Status
Project Task > Blocked
Project Task > Started
Project Task > Completed
Project Task > Estimated Time To Completion (Task)
Task Time Read-Only Columns Defines the read-only columns that appear in the Tasks tab when entering time against tasks. Time Entry Project Task > Start Date
Project Task > End Date
Project Task > Estimated Hours
Project Task > Actual Hours
Project Task > Hours Remaining
Project Task > Percent Complete (Hours)
Project Task > Projected Hours