About Multi-Currencies in Budgets
Planning and Analysis has adopted its own solution for managing multiple currencies that work alongside Salesforce's currency management solution. Additionally, you can use exchange rates in Planning and Analysis that are provided by Foundations, which can include rates imported automatically from an external rate provider.
For more information on currency management, see the Salesforce Help.
The following concepts are important to understand before you begin configuring multiple currencies within Planning and Analysis.
Corporate Currency
Your administrator must specify a corporate currency that is used by your corporate headquarters for reporting. A Salesforce representative initially sets your corporate currency when activating the feature. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.
Company Currency
The main working currency of a Certinia company is its company currency. All budgets and budget lines must balance in company currency. When you set or change a company currency, information about the company is published to Foundations.
Budget Currency
The currency in which a specific budget operates within Planning and Analysis and related Certinia apps is called it's budget currency. This is a Certinia custom field on the Budget page. The Budget Currency field is a custom field. In a single-currency org, this must match the budget set at company level. In a multi-currency org, this must be one of your active (or org) currencies.