Budgets Fields

Here is a description of the fields (in alphabetical order) that make up a budget.

Note: All the budget fields are the field that are listed on the Budget page and it is not a custom object.


Key: * – Mandatory field

Budgets Fields
Field Name   Description
Budget Currency   The currency of the budget.
Budget Holder *

The name of the budget owner assigned to the budget that can directly grant access to the budget to users with read or write permission.

Note: The Budget Holder field is mandatory when using the Headcount By Resource template.
Budget Name * Unique name for the budget.
Budget Template *

The budget template associated with the budget. The drop-down list displays the budget template titles.

The following are the supported budget templates:

  • Employee and Rate
  • Headcount By Resource
  • Rate and Quantity
  • Totals
Budget Year * The year for which the budget is created.
Company * The company with which the budget is associated. The company type depends on the setting of the budget dimension.
FF1s - FF4s   The income or expense line dimensions.
Mapping Rule Template R The mapping rule is linked to the budget template.
Parent Budget   The parent budget under which the newly created budget is located.

Budget Details

Key: * – Mandatory field

Budgets Details
Field Name   Description
Budget Holder * The name of the user responsible for handling the amount assigned in the budget by the budget owner. The Budget Holder field is read-only if you create a budget using the Headcount by Resource budget template.
Companies (admin only) * The company with which the budget is associated. The company type depends on the setting of the Budget Dimension.
Description   Description of the budget.
FF1s - FF4s   The income or expense line dimensions.
Order Number   The order number of the budget.
Owner   The owner of the budget.
Parent (admin only)  

The parent for the budget.


The Parent (admin only) field is visible to an administrator.

Status (admin only)  

The status of the budget. The following are the budget statuses:

  • Open
  • Closed
  • Active
  • Inactive

The Status (admin only) field is visible to an administrator.

Template (admin only) *

The template to which the budget is mapped.


The Template (admin only) field is visible to an administrator.

Title * Unique title for the budget.

Budget Line Items

Key: * – Mandatory field, T - Fields that are visible when the Income and Expense line is created based on the Totals budget template, ER - Fields that are visible when the Income and Expense line is created based on the Employee and Rate budget template, RQ - Fields that are visible when the Income and Expense line is created based on the Rate and Quantity budget template, HR - Fields that are visible when the Income and Expense line is created based on the Headcount by Resource budget template.

Income and Expense App Line Fields
Field Name   Description






The account to which the income or expense line is linked.




The amount distributed on the base amount is based on the budget currency selection.
Base Amount T

Indicates whether you want to spread or split the base amount into periods. The supported options for the base amount:

  • Spread
  • Split by periods
  • Multiply by
  • Divide by
  • Increase by
Note: The amount calculation in the budget income and expense line is only based on the amount calculated based on the selection of the budget currency.
Base Quantity RQ

Indicates whether you want to spread or split the base quantity into periods. The supported options for the base amount:

  • Spread
  • Split by periods
  • Multiply by
  • Divide by
  • Increase by

The quantity calculation in the budget income and expense line is only based on the quantity.

Base Time ER

Indicates whether you want to spread or split the base time into periods. The supported options for the base amount:

  • Spread
  • Split by periods
  • Multiply by
  • Divide by
  • Increase by

The time calculation in the budget income and expense line is only based on the time.





Description of the income or expense line.
Employee ER The employee for which income or expense line is created.
FF1s - FF4s




The income or expense line dimensions.
Price Book RQ The price book is associated with the income or expense line.
Product RQ The product is associated with the income or expense line.
Rate ER The rate applied to the income or expense line that the employee has specified.
Time ER The time distribution is based on the base amount.




Unique title for the income or expense line.


Budgets Buttons
Button Name Description
Allows viewing the budget line items amount in the company or corporate currency.
Allows filtering of the budget information.
Budgets Allows you to navigate back to the list of the budgets page.
Budgets List Allows you to navigate back to the list of the budgets list page.
Clone Creates a copy of the budget.
Delete Allows you to delete the existing budget.
Edit Allows you to edit the existing budget details.
Excel Document | Upload Files Allows uploading the budget records in Microsoft Excel format.
Generate Generates the headcount lines.
Increment Date The date when the salary increment is effective for all employees. The salary increment date must be valid to save the budget line.
New Creates a budget.
Restore Allows you to restore information for the previous version of the budget.
Save Saves the budget record.

Shares the budget record and grants the specified user access to the budget.

Note: The Share button is only visible if you have read or write permission assigned to the budget.
Show More Allows you to view the detailed information for the budget.
Submit for Approval Submits budget for approval when configured through Salesforce.
Update Exchange Rate The rate at which one currency is exchanged for another currency.
Update Title

Updates each budget line's title according to the rule selected in the budget template.


When a new title is updated, the existing tile gets overwritten.

View Amount

View the budget amount summary.

Note: The View Amount button is only visible for the following budget templates:
  • Employee and Rate
  • Rate and Quantity
View Quantity

View the budget amount summary.

Note: The View Quantity button is only visible for the Rate and Quantity budget template.
View Time

View the budget time summary.

Note: The View Time button is only visible for the Employee and Rate budget template.