Generating the Headcount by Resource Lines

From the Headcounts subtab, you create a headcount for the budget to generate the Headcount by Resource budget expense lines. Alternatively, you can only edit the salary increment and percentage values to the annual base salary to generate the budget when you edit permissions.

Using the Headcounts subtab, you can click Generate to retrieve the corresponding list of employees based on the budget details indicated while creating the budget.

  • Ensure that the required permission sets are assigned to you to view the related headcount by resource budget expense lines generated for each budget in the Headcounts subtab. For more information, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.
  • The values in the editable fields cannot be updated with read-only permissions, and the Increment Date and Generate buttons will not be visible to you.
  • When enabling the Allow Variable Pay field in the Planning Headcount custom setting, enter a headcount and variable pay that changes the new base salary, for example, from 1000 to 1500. However, if you enter the same headcount with a different custom setting, you would still see 1500 instead of 1000, even if you cannot see the Variable Pay columns that make this total so. For more information, see Planning Headcount Settings.

To create a headcount for the budget and generate the headcount by resource budget expense lines:

  1. Navigate to the budgets list and select budgets created from a budget template of type headcount by resource. For more information, see Creating a Budget .
  2. From the Headcounts subtab, view the budget resource headcount imported for each headcount line budget. You can filter the budget records using the filter option for each column.
  3. Click Increment Date. In the Select Date field, specify the valid salary increment date and click Apply. The date selected is applied to all the employees. You must ensure the increment date is valid to save the budget line.
  4. Click Generate to override or populate the existing Headcount by Resource budget expense lines records and generate a new expense line for the budget in the Budget Line Items subtab based on the calculation of payments by all the employees from the salary, start date, end date on the company, and variable payments. The expense line created with the headcount information based on the calculations of salary increments applied is read-only. The employees in the headcount list are listed only when the reporting manager's name and budget holder specified in the Details subtab are the same.
    • When two employees have the same name with different reporting managers, the list is filtered based on the assigned budget holder.
    • When two employees have the same name with the same reporting managers, the list is filtered based on the assigned budget folder.
    • If no reporting manager name is specified in the Payroll name, no employees are filtered in the Headcounts subtab.
    • If there is no Payroll line and the information of the reporting manager name and the budget holder are the same, then no employees are filtered, no data is retrieved, and an error message will be displayed.
  5. [Optional] In the Search field, enter the search term to search the headcount from the grid table. You can search for any field and the search is not case-sensitive.
  6. [Optional] Click Save to save the employee Headcount by Resource budget expense lines record for the budget.
  7. Click the Budget Line Items subtab to view the budget expense lines generated for the employee headcount record. For more information, see Managing Budget Line Items.
  8. Click Budgets to go back to the Budgets detail page.
  9. Click Budgets List to go back to the Budgets list page.