About CRV Groups

ERP Cloud

Depending on the options you select when running currency revaluation, one or more revaluation documents are generated. A separate revaluation document is generated for each currency and revaluation type combination. So, for example, if you perform both Income Statement and Balance Sheet revaluations for EUR, two revaluation documents are generated: one for EUR/Income Statement and one for EUR/Balance Sheet. If you revalue multiple currencies, many revaluation documents can be generated by one revaluation process.

To make the multiple documents easier to manage, they are handled as a group. You can identify a CRV group by its group name. If you click a group name on the CRV home page, a detail page is displayed from where you can see the status of each individual revaluation document in the group and drill down to its details.

As a CRV group is being processed, some of the documents in the group might fail to generate or post.

If a revaluation group fails to generate, you must start the CRV process again.

If a document in a group fails to post, Accounting continues processing other group members that are "In Progress", and the individual CRV can be restarted from the detail page of the revaluation itself. If the failure prevents Accounting from processing the remaining members of the group, the whole group can be restarted from the Currency Revaluation Group list view page.

You receive an email about the success or failure of each individual batch job.