Currency Revaluation Group Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the custom fields that make up a currency revaluation group.


Key: L- Lightning page only



All GLAs L Indicates that all eligible general ledger accounts were selected for the revaluation.
Currency Revaluation Criteria L Lookup to the currency revaluation criteria that the group was created for.
Group Description   The description of the currency revaluation group.
Group Name   An auto-generated identifier for this group.
Group Type  

Stores the Group Type. The Group Types are:

  • Currency Revaluation
  • Currency Translation
  • Currency Revaluation and Translation
  • Currency Translation to Reporting

Note: The Currency Translation to Reporting type only appears if the Reporting Currencies feature is enabled.
Revalue Home Currency   Indicates that the revaluation process was set up to create a revaluation document for home currency.
Scheduled Time   The original scheduled date and time this CRV group was first processed. If this is blank, the group was not scheduled.

The group's processing status:

  • Pending. The group is scheduled for processing later.
  • Generating. Revaluation documents are in the process of being generated.
  • Posting. Revaluation documents are in the process of being posted.
  • Complete. The generate and post batch jobs for all group members have completed.

Job Status

The following job details information displays.




Apex Job ID   ID of the Apex job that created the currency revaluation group.
Batch Process   ID of the batch process that created the currency revaluation group.
Currency Revaluation Progress Info  

A status bar showing the progress of the currency revaluation group process.

Process Status   Status of the currency revaluation group process.

Group Members

The following fields are displayed for each of the currency revaluation documents in the group.

If you are using Lightning Experience these fields are displayed on the Related tab.
 Key: N-Not displayed in Lightning




Accounting Book Stores the Accounting Book associated with this record.
Currency Revaluation Name Look up to the currency revaluation details page. -
Document Currency Displays the associated document currencyClosed.
Document Exchange RateNExchange rate between home currencyClosed and document currency, used to revalue the home currency amounts. All exchange rates in this application are expressed as a multiplier with respect to home currency. Up to nine decimal places are supported.
Dual Exchange RateNExchange rate between home currency and dual currencyClosed, used to calculate the dual currency amounts. All exchange rates in this application are expressed as a multiplier with respect to home currency. Up to nine decimal places are supported.
Posting PeriodNAccounting period to which the resulting transaction is posted. The resulting transaction date will be the last day of this period.
Reporting Exchange RateN

Exchange rate between home currency and reporting currencyClosed, used to calculate the reporting currency amounts. All exchange rates in this application are expressed as a multiplier with respect to home currency. Up to nine decimal places are supported.

Note: This field only appears if the Reporting Currency feature is enabled.
Revaluation Type 

Indicates whether this revaluation is in preparation for a Balance Sheet or Income Statement. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values.

Reversal PeriodNAccounting period to which the resulting transaction reversal is posted. The resulting transaction date will be the first day of this period.
The opening and closing periods, period 000Closed and period 101Closed, are not valid reversal periods.
StatusNStatus of this CRV record. See About Currency Revaluation and Translation for more information.


The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration.

DeleteYou can delete a CRV group only when there are no "Pending" documents. Deleting a group does not delete the revaluation documents that were generated by that group.
Revaluation SummaryEnables you to select a customizable inquiry templateClosed that displays a summary of the selected CRV group.