Managing CRV Documents

ERP Cloud

When you have located a CRV document on the CRV home or list pages, click the name to display its detail page. If you click the group name, the group detail page is displayed from where you can drill down to individual revaluation details. The options available to you depend on the status of the selected CRV document.

For a full description of the standard fields that make up a CRV document see Currency Revaluation Fields.

From here you can:

  • Click the links on the underlined lookup fields to display the related details.
  • Click Edit to change selected details on an "In Progress" CRV document.
  • Click Discard to discard an "In Progress" CRV document.
  • Click Post to post a CRV document.
  • Click Cancel Revaluation to cancel a "Complete" CRV document.
  • Click Clear History to clear its revaluation history. This is only allowed if the document has a status of "Discarded" or "Generation Error".

See the list of related topics for more information.

You cannot delete a CRV document when it is created. You must discard it instead. You can enable the

You must specify a reason for discarding or canceling a document. This reason is stored with the record for future reference and auditing.

You can only edit these fields on an "In Progress" CRV document:

  • Document Description
  • Document Reference

To prepare these fields for editing, click Edit on the detail page.