How CRVs are Calculated

ERP Cloud

When you run the CRV process, you choose which general ledger accounts (GLAs) to revalue and the period for which they are being revalued. For each selected GLA, Accounting calculates the CRV as follows:

  1. The values of transaction lines posted to the GLA for the specified period are summed in document currency. Where the transaction line type is Account, the outstanding value is used.
  2. When you revalue, the new Home exchange rate is applied to the sum calculated in step 1, to get the new value in Home currency.
  3. When you translate, the new Dual exchange rate is applied to the sum calculated in step 1, to get the new value in Dual currency.
  4. The values calculated at steps 2 are subtracted from the stored Home or Dual values, and CRV documents are posted to record the revaluation loss/gain or translation adjustments. If you enable the Create Zero CRV documents as "Discarded" custom setting, CRV documents created with zero value are automatically set to “Discarded” during the currency revaluation process.
Note: If you have the Reporting Currency feature enabled in your org you can calculate the CRV using the Reporting Currency exchange rate instead of the Dual exchange rate. The steps for this process are identical to the translation to Dual.

For an example of these calculations, see Currency Revaluation and Translation Example.