Alternate Item Fields

ERP Cloud

The Alternate Item object enables you to specify alternative items for an item master. Here is a description of the fields on an alternate item.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field Name   Description
Alternate Item Name R Name of the alternate item record.
Item Master * Item to which the alternative item relates.
Alternate Item * Alternative item for the item master.
Selection Order   Priority of use when there is more than one alternative item on an item master.
Interchangeability * Indicates whether the alternative item can also be substituted for the item master. Select Two Way if the item master can be substituted for the alternative item and the alternative item can be substituted for the item master. Select One Way if the item master can be substituted for the alternative item and the alternative item cannot be substituted for the item master.
Status   Indicates whether the alternative item is active.