Creating a New Up Sell Cross Sell Item

ERP Cloud

The Up Sell Cross Sell object enables you to define items that should be sold with the specified item. You can create an up sell cross sell record from the Up Sell Cross Sell related list on an item master.

There are two Up Sell Cross Sell related lists on an item master that enable you to mark an item master as a cross sell item:

Related List Layout Description
Up Sell Cross Sell Lists the up sell cross sell items that should be sold with this item master and enables you to specify new items that should be sold with the item master.
Up Sell Cross Sell (Child Item) Lists the items that this item master is an up sell cross sell item for. You can make this item master a cross sell item for a different item master from this related list.

To mark an item as a cross sell item:

  1. Click New Up Sell Cross Sell in the Up Sell Cross Sell or Up Sell Cross Sell (Child Item) depending on whether you want to make this item master a cross sell item or make another item master a cross sell item of this item master.
  2. If you are adding an up sell item to this item master, enter the item master of the up sell item in the Child Item field.
  3. If you are adding this item master as an up sell item to a different item master, enter the item master to which this up sell item is to belong in the Main Item field.
  4. Select the Mandatory checkbox ff the item has to be sold with the main item.
  5. Enter the quantity of the up sell item that should be sold with the main item.
  6. [Optional] Enter the condition that the up sell item must be sold in.
  7. Click Save.