Item Master Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields that make up an Item Master.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Active Status   Indicates whether the item is active. If the item is active it can be bought, sold, stored and issued. If an item is not active, it can only be stored and issued. Select the checkbox to activate the item.
Commodity Code   Code used to classify how money is spent within the organization. When importing and exporting goods, you may have to specify a commodity code so that your organization pays the correct tax and duty on the items being imported or exported.
Configurable   Indicates whether the item will have options that can be selected when it is sold to a customer.
Image   Image of the item. You can also enter text or a URL for the item.
Intangible   Indicates whether the item is a physical item or an intangible one such as labor or software licenses. Intangible items are not stocked allocated or shipped.
Item Description * Description used in conjunction with the item number to describe an item that is to be acquired, stocked and consumed.
Item Number * Name or Number of the Item.
Item Type   The type of item. This determines the warnings and messages that appear when certain actions are carried out on the item.
Kit   Indicates whether the item is a kit. A kit can be a Manufactured KitClosed or a Virtual KitClosed.
Long Description   An additional field that you can use to describe the item.
Product Group   The logical product group that the item belongs to. This field could be used for sales reporting. The items that you can select are determined by the Product Groups listed on the Product tab contained within the Codes tab.

Item Controls

These fields determine how the item is to be controlled.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Lot Number Control?   Indicates whether lot tracking is in use for this item.
Single Lot Fulfillment   Indicates whether the item is to be completely fulfilled by a single lot when allocating it to an order. For instance, if the checkbox is selected and the item consists of three one liter tins of paint, all three tins of paint must be from the same lot number.
Life Limited Control   Indicates whether the item has parts that are subject to life limited controls. For instance, when selected , you can track time and cycles since a machine was overhauled. When selected, master counts are added to the inventory record when an inspection takes place.
Inbound Outbound Serial Number?   Indicates whether serial number is tracked on receipt of an item and shipment of an item. This means that an order does not have to be fulfilled by an item with a specific serial number. When selected, any of the matching items in the inventory can be used to fulfill the order, but the serial number of the item being shipped is tracked. System administrators and users setting up item masters should have the required permission set to edit this field. All other users should have read only access.
Serial Number Control?   Indicates whether Order and Inventory Management is to enforce unique serial numbers for each item in the inventory. System administrators and users setting up item masters should have the required permission set to edit this field. All other users should have read only access.
Revision Control   Indicates whether the item is under revision control. For instance, in the case of an aircraft manual, this may be subject to updates from the manufacturer after delivery.

Replenishment Parameters

These fields determine how the inventory for the item is to be replenished.

Key: * – Mandatory field; P - Applies to Reorder Point Control only; S - Applies to Safety Stock Control Only.

Field   Description
ABC Classification * Determines the strategy to be used if the item is to be subject to a cycle countClosed. The ABC classification determines the cycle count strategy to use by price. Selecting A, B or C invokes cycle counting rules. For instance, your organization may want to count high value items much more frequently than those with a lower value. This field determines the rules to be applied to this item. If your organization doesn't use cycle counting, ensure that Other is selected.
Acquisition * Indicates how the item is to be acquired. For instance by purchasing it, making it or by transferring it from another location.
Conversion Factor   The factor by which Supplier UOMClosed will be converted to establish stocking levels for Stocking UOM. For instance, if your organization sells the item individually and your supplier sells the item in boxes of 2000 and you order 3, set the Conversion Factor to Multiply and the Conversion Value to 2000
Conversely, if you buy the item individually from the supplier and sell it in packs of 100, set the Conversion Factor to Divide and the Conversion Value to 100.
Conversion Value   Value used along with the conversion factor to convert the Supplier UOMClosed to the Stocking UOMClosed.
Stocking UOMClosed * Stocking UOM is the unit of measure in which the item is stocked and sold to the customer.For instance, your supplier may sell you a box containing a quantity of 2000 of the item, but your company may sell them as individual units (each).
Stocking UOM and Supplier UOM are used to determine if a conversion is required upon receiving an item into stock. The conversion will not be applied unless there are two different units of measure entered for the Supplier UOM and Stocking UOM fields on the item master. The appropriate conversion calculation is derived from the Conversion Factor and Conversion Value fields.
Supplier UOM   Supplier UOM is the unit of measure in which the item is bought from the supplier. For instance, your supplier may sell you a box containing a quantity of 2000 of the item, but your company may sell them as individual units (each).
Stocking UOM and Supplier UOM are used to determine if a conversion is required upon receiving an item into stock. The conversion will not be applied unless there are two different units of measure entered for the Supplier UOM and Stocking UOM fields on the item master. The appropriate conversion calculation is derived from the Conversion Factor and Conversion Value fields.
Supply Requisition Auto Firm   Indicates whether a supply requisition is automatically generated as a result of the reorder conditions being met for Reorder Point Control or Safety Stock Control.

Acquisition Lead Times

These fields enable you to enter acquisition lead times for various activities around acquiring the item.

Field Description
Approval Lead Time Estimated time in days to source the item and process and approve internal purchase orders.
Supplier Repair Service L/T Estimated time in days for a supplier to provide repair services for a part.
Supplier Procurement Estimated time in days for a supplier to provide an new item.
Receiving / Inspection L/T Estimated time in calendar days for internal dock-to-stockClosed processing of the item to take place.
Internal Repair L/T Estimated time in days for internal repair services to be carried out on an item.
Manufacturing L/T Estimated time in days for internal manufacturing services to be carried out on the item.

Quality Safety Parameters

These fields determine whether there are any quality or safety requirements for the item.

Field Description
Inspection Required Indicates whether the item must undergo an inspection before it can be stored or sold.
Hazardous Material Indicates whether the item contains hazardous material that requires MSDSClosed control sheets and therefore may require special handling and storage. Rules are enforced for these requirements.
ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) Sensitive Indicates whether the item is affected by electrostatic discharges. When selected, Order and Inventory Management provides information and warnings during receiving, inspection and warehouse operations.
Shelf Life Control? Indicates whether the item has an expiration date. When selected, you must enter an Expiration Date when the item is inspected and once that date expires, the item cannot be sold. You can generate a report to monitor expiration dates.
Exportation Allowed Indicates whether the item can be shipped to foreign countries.

Logistics Information

These fields determine the dimensions, weight, and number of items to be placed in a shipping box.

Field Description
Box Width Width of the box used to ship the item.
Box Height Height of the box used to ship the item.
Box Length Length of the box used to ship the item.
Packaged Weight Shipping weight for the item.
Shipping Volume Volume of the packaged item when it is ready for shipping.
Items per box Number of the item that can be placed in the same box.


Here is a description of the buttons on the Item Master Detail page.

Button Name Description
Submit for Approval Submits the item master record for approval using the approval process in your organization.
Available Inventory Displays the Inventory page for the item. See Inventory Position.
ReOrder Process Creates requisitions for the item depending on the reorder criteria that you set using the reorder criteria. See Setting Reorder Criteria.
Part Statistics This button is no longer used.
Item Overview Displays the Item Overview page for the item where you can view a breakdown of availability, sales and procurement information. You can also display the Item Detail, Available Inventory and Adjust Inventory tabs from this page.
Cycle Count All Locations Initiates a cycle count of the item at each inventory location.