Managing Rebate Claims

ERP Cloud

On the Search Claims page you can search for claim records and change their status. If required, you can also export claim records to an Excel spreadsheet and import changed records using a tool such as the Salesforce Data Import Wizard or Salesforce Data Loader.


A rebate claim is not created until the sales order associated with the rebate is shipped.

If you are carrying out an action on a large number of records, the action is sent to a batch job.

Searching for Claims

You can search for rebate claim records them based on various criteria. This filters the number of records listed depending on the criteria you enter. To search for rebate claim records:

  1. Click the Rebate Claims tab.
  2. Complete the fields in the Search Rebates section depending on the criteria you want to search for. For information about the fields, see Rebate Claim Fields.
  3. If you want to search by date, select the date criteria that you want to search on, then enter a date range that you want to search on in the Start and End Date fields.
  4. Click Search.

If after carrying out a search, you want to redisplay all search claims, click Reset. This restores the Search Claims page to an unfiltered view and all the rebate claims are listed.

Recording Reimbursement of a Claim

When your organization receives reimbursement for a rebate claim:

  1. If you cannot see the rebate claims that you want to change the status of, search for them.
  2. Select the checkbox of the claims that you want to record as reimbursed

    If you want to apply the change to all rebate claims listed, select the checkbox in the heading row. If any of the rebate claims have already been reimbursed or rejected, the action will fail.

  3. Click Reimburse Claims.
  4. Enter the date on which reimbursement was received.
  5. [Optional] Enter some notes about the reimbursement received.
  6. Click Save.

Recording Claim Submission

When your organization submits a rebate claim to a manufacturer, you can change the status of the rebate claim to submitted


Rebate claims for rebates of type manufacturer direct are automatically submitted.

To record a rebate claim as submitted:

  1. If you cannot see the rebate claims that you want to change the status of, search for them. See Searching for Claims.
  2. Select the checkbox of the claims that you want to record as Submitted.

    If you want to apply the change to all rebate claims listed, select the checkbox in the heading row. If any of the rebate claims have been reimbursed or rejected, the action will fail.

  3. Click Submit Claims.
  4. Enter the date on which the claim was submitted.
  5. In the Vendor Claim Number field, enter the claim number received from the manufacturer if you have one.
  6. [Optional] Enter some notes about the claim submission.
  7. Click Save.

Recording Rejected Claims

To record a rejected claim:

  1. If you cannot see the rebate claims that you want to change the status of, search for them. See Searching for Claims.
  2. Select the checkbox of the claims that you want to record as Rejected.

    If you want to apply the change to all rebate claims listed, select the checkbox in the heading row. If any of the rebate claims have been reimbursed or rejected, the action will fail.

  3. Click Reject Claims.
  4. Enter the date on which the claim was rejected.
  5. [Optional] Enter some notes about the rejected claim.
  6. Click Save.

Exporting Claim Records

To export claim records to Microsoft Excel:

  1. Search for the rebate claims that you want to export. See Searching for Claims.
  2. Select the checkboxes of all the rebate claims that you want to include in the export.
  3. Click Export Claims.
  4. Enter the file name you want and click Export.